10th Anniversary - Article
A glittering double celebration for UTAR

"Thank you for celebrating UTAR's 10th Anniversary with us tonight. I truly wish that all of you could join the alumni network and have very successful future," said UTAR President Ir. Prof. Academician Dato' Dr. Chuah Hean Teik in his welcome speech at the UTAR 10th Anniversary & Alumni Homecoming Dinner held at Grand Kampar Hotel on 20 October 2012.

A succinct and simple speech by UTAR Council Chairman Tun Dr. Ling Liong Sik followed shortly, in which he thanked everyone for attending the sparkling dinner and heartily rendered Que Sera Sera, a popular hit single in the 1960s, further spurring the crowd to sing along with him.

The annual alumni homecoming this year saw approximately 300 guests including UTAR alumni, staff, students and invited guests converging on the hotel's rooftop to celebrate the university's grand age of 10 and also to witness a dazzling cake cutting ceremony to mark the momentous 10th Anniversary celebration.

Several prestigious awards were also presented during the dinner, namely the UTAR Long Service Award, UTAR Student Awards ? Best Student Leader Award, Sportsperson of the Year, Most Talented UTARian, Best Society Award (Course-based) and Best Society Award (Non Course-based). A total of 19 dedicated staff were all smiles upon receiving the UTAR Long Service Award (see below for list of recipients). One of the proud recipients, Prof. Dr. Lim Chooi Kwa from the Institute of Chinese Studies shared that he was deeply honoured to have UTAR's acknowledgement for his work. "My work is more inclined to Chinese studies research and thus, UTAR is an ideal work place for me to shine," said the Professor who joined UTAR in 2002.

The Mathematics Society (Kuala Lumpur Campus) bagged the Best Society Award (Course Based) while the Best Society Award (Non-Course Based) went to the Wushu Club from Perak Campus. Public Relations student Moo Hong Yuen who was awarded the Best Student Leader Award said, "It was unexpected. I am still learning. Many thanks to UTAR for giving me the opportunity to be involved in more activities." Architecture student Chan Ai Ying felt grateful to be a recipient of the Sportsperson of the Year and sincerely wishes the University more prodigious achievements in future years. Student Chong Fatt Yi, winner of the Most Talented UTARian Award sent a representative to collect the award on behalf of him.

As the eight-course dinner was served, diners were in for the attractive lucky draw sessions and were also wowed by a series of stunning performances like the outstanding harmonica performance by the Mastro World Champion Harmonica Group, the colourful International Costume Parade by UTAR students and staff, the moving Chinese Orchestra Fusion and Chinese Orchestra Rock Band, and the captivating Waltz dance performance by the university's two most outstanding waltz dance couple. Other performances which garnered thunderous applause and cheers from the crowd are none other than the much anticipated Oppa Gangnam Style performance by exchange students of Inje University, South Korea and also an endearing singing performance by multi-talented songbird and UTAR alumna Yise Loo.

The final session of lucky draw brought the annual celebration to end, making the night a memorable one to all who have attended.

List of the UTAR Long Service Award as follows (in chronological order according to date joined UTAR):

  • Ms Lau Siew Yung, Manager, Division of Examinations, Awards and Scholarships
  • Ms Wong Lai Wah, Administrative Assistant II, Faculty of Engineering and Science
  • Prof. Dr Lim Chooi Kwa, Professor, Institute of Chinese Studies
  • Ms Er Pek Hoon, Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Accountancy and Management
  • Mr Kuar Lok Sin, Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Business and Finance
  • Ms Foo Kam Mee, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Creative Industries
  • Ms Ng Lee Peng, Lecturer, Faculty of Business and Finance
  • Dr Lai Fatt Sian, Associate Professor, Faculty of Accountancy and Management
  • Dr Kwang Chit Hwa, General Manager, IT Infrastructure and Support Centre
  • Ms Yong Ming Choo, Assistant General Manager, Centre for Extension Education
  • Ms Chong Li Fah, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Accountancy and Management
  • Mr Sun Teik Heng @ San Teik Heng, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Information and Communication Technology
  • Mr Ko Chin Hock, Senior Manager, IT Support, IT Infrastructure and Support Centre
  • Mr Saravanan a/l Subbiah, Manager, Department of Admissions and Credit Evaluation
  • Mr Chin Moon Khiang, Manager, IT Support, IT Infrastructure and Support Centre
  • Puan Kamisah Binti Juahir, Receptionist/Clerk, Department of General Service
  • Ms Sharon Jacqueline a/p Albert Wilson, Lecturer, Faculty of Creative Industries
  • Mr Thinavan a/l Periyayya, Associate Professor, Faculty of Creative Industries
  • Mr Lim Khong Leng, Lecturer, Faculty of Engineering and Science

Tun Dr Ling serenading Que Sera Sera to the crowd.

Cake-cutting ceremony: (From left) Datuk Oh Chong Peng, Mr Hew Fen Yee, Prof Chuah, Datuk Yong Ming Sang, Tun Dr Ling, Tan Sri Datuk Professor Emeritus Dr. Augustine Ong Soon Hock and Tan Sri Datuk Dr Ng Lay Swee.

Proud recipients of the UTAR Staff Long Service Award with Prof Chuah (fifth from left) and Tun Dr Ling (eighth from left)

Prof Chuah (third from left) and Tun Dr Ling posing with the robust winners of the UTAR Student Awards

Inje University exchange students gyrating to the catchy Oppa Gangnam Style song.

The petite Yise Loo belting out several songs with her melodious and sweet voice

Get to know the events that are held in conjunction with UTAR's 10th anniversary celebrations.
To celebrate the University's 10th anniversary, personal anecdotes concerning UTAR have been recorded.
To celebrate the University's 10th anniversary, congratulatory messages for UTAR will be recorded.