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  Postgraduate researchers
 Postgraduate Researcher Profiles




Alphabetical listing by surname

A - E       F - J       K - O       P - T       U - Z





Agnes Lai Jing Xin

Candidate for Master of Science degree - Full-time
Project title: Optimization on the credit risk of companies in malaysia with data envelopment analysis model 




Ahmad Tarmizi bin Abdul Halim

Candidate for Master of Science degree - Full-time
Project title: Isolation and characterization of a novel and thermostable phage lysin against Escherichia coli BL21 from hot springs in Malaysia 




Allimalar A/P Sathiaseelan

Candidate for Master of Science degree - Full-time
Project title: Evaluation of the anti-biofilm properties of tempeh and its application against dental plaque formation




Ang WenJi

Candidate for Master of Science degree - Full-time
Project title: Assessing the genetic resources of Tetragnatha latreille long-jawed orb-weaver (Araneae; Tetragnathidae) in Peninsular Malaysia with emphasis on species found in paddy fields




Anis Nabila binti Muhammad

Candidate for Doctor of Philosophy (Statistics) - Full-time
Project title: Monitoring the coefficient of variation by using variable sample size EWMA chart




Nor Anis A'dila binti Ahmad Rawawi

Candidate for Master of Science degree - Full-time
Project title: Investigation of the effects of angiogenin gene (ANG) and its amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) mutants over-expression in NSC34 mouse motor-neuron cell line



Sangeetha a/p Arullappan

Candidate for PhD of Science degree - Part-time
Project title: Chemical Investigation and Biological Activities of Selected Malaysian Plant



Chan Kok Sim

Candidate for PhD of Science degree - Part-time
Project title: Diet analysis and foraging behaviour of the house-farmed swiftlets (Apodidae, Collocalinii) in Malaysia



Chan Mun Yee

Candidate for PhD of Science degree - Part-time
Project title: Production of laccase from basidiomycetes fungi using Solid State Fermentation (SSF)



Chan Onn Kei

Candidate for Master of Science degree - Full-time
Project title: Production of phytase in solid-state fermentation by locally isolated bacteria using soya pulp as sole carbon source



Chan Yu Bin

Candidate for Master of Science degree - Full-time
Project title: Identification, characterization and comparison of extracted fish oil (crude and refined oils) fatty acid contents from Lates calcarifer (Asian seabass) wastes via chemical extraction



Chang Chew Cheen

Candidate for PhD of Science degree - Part-time
Project title: Phytochemical investigation, electrochemical study and biological activities of bioactive compounds from Malaysian medicinal plants



Chen Jia Wai

Candidate for Master of Science degree - Full-time
Project title: Optimization on the financial management of the companies in Malaysia with Goal Programming Model



Chen Sook Ngoh

Candidate for Master of Science degree - Full-time
Project title: Survival and biofilm formation of Listeria monocytogenes on food contact surfaces and application of potential strategies to prevent food contamination



Dang Tin Tin

Candidate for Master of Science degree - Full-time
Project title: Studies of sialic acids and nutritional composition of slimes from Malaysian gastropods
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