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  Year 2018


***This picture gallery is arranged chronologically based on date of events***
***Please scroll down to see pictures from earlier events***



Event: Educational visit to the LKFresh Eggs Farm

Date: November 22, 2018

Organizers: Department of Agricultural and Food Science (for Agricultural Science students taking UDAF3213 Food Safety and Quality Assurance)

A field trip to LKFresh Eggs Farm organized by Dr Kuan and accompanied by Dr Yip and Ms Heng. We all are welcomed by Mr Tan, managing director of Liang Kee Farming Sdn Bhd.

Layer poultry farming: Raising egg laying poutry birds for the purpose of commercial egg production.

Free-range Kampung chickens.

Mr Tan explained to us that the eggs are firstly sorted manually to remove the dirty and cracked ones.

Disinfection of eggshells using ultraviolet light.

Eggs are sorted through automatic egg grading machine to determine their size and grade.



Event: Food Fraud & Food Safety: The Allergen and Chemical Analysis in Food Manufacturing Industries

Date: November 12, 2018

Organizers: Department of Agricultural and Food Science

Group photograph taken during the Food Fraud and Food Safety Seminar held on 12 November 2018.

Dr. Gideon Khoo was giving a welcoming speech to all audience.

Ms. Wong Yien Ning was giving an introductory speech to all audience.

Ms. Manida was giving a talk during the Food Fraud and Food Safety seminar.

Dr. Gideon Khoo was extending a token of appreciation to Ms. Tee Siang Lyn (Division Sales Manager for Arachem Sdn Bhd)




Event: Talk at SMJK Sin Min, Sungai Petani

Date: November 10, 2018

Organizers: Division of Programme Promotion, UTAR

About 300 Form 3 students of SMJK Sin Min attended the talk.
Dr Lem Kong Hoong from Department of Physical and Mathematical Science, Faculty of Science, UTAR giving a talk entitled 'Big Data'.



Event: Field visit to Oil Palm Estate and Palm Oil Mill of KLK Ladang Changkat Chermin, Ayer Tawar, Perak

Date: October 25, 2018

Organizers: Department of Agricultural and Food Science

Group photograph taken at the KLK Changkar Chermin Oil palm estate.

Welcoming speech and introduction to the KLK company by the Senior Manager of Ladang Changkat Chermin, Mr. Roland Chong right after a wonderful serving of breakfast.

A glance through the list of workers in the plantation by Dr. Ong Mei Kying and Dr. Loh Pek Chin.

At the carpark of the Changkat Chermin Oil palm mill, En. Saiful elaborated the process of crude palm oil in the mill. The sterilized fruit bunches were then introduced into a thresher.

Briefing at the oil palm estate where we learnt about the basics of growing oil palms and how mature fruits are identified and harvested.

Cutting down of an oil palm frond followed by the fruit bunch using a long sickle palm harvester by Soo Wei, one of UTAR students.

During the closing ceremony we had a briefing by Mr. Eugene Jacob, Head of Human Resources on many important policies such as no deforestation and open burning policy.

Dr. Ong Mei Kying, Head of Department of Agricultural and Food Science extending a token of appreciation to the wonderful people of KLK Changkat Chermin.



Event: International Conference on Tropical Biodiversity 2018 - Powering Sustainability with Infinite Varieties in Our Biological World

Date: October 8-11, 2018

Organizers: UTAR Centre of Biodiversity Research

En. Mohd Hizaz bin Mohd Ibrahim (Director Ministry of Tourism and Culture Malaysia) officiating the event together with Prof. Dr. Faidz bin Abd Rahman (UTAR Vice President for R&D and Commercialisation) and Asst. Prof. Dr. Goh Wei Lim (Organizing chairperson).

Group photo: Front row, from left: Dr. Goh Wei Lim, Dato. Sri Dr Gathorne-Hardy, Prof. Dr. Faidz, Hizaz, Mr. Chan Kok Keong, and Dr. Wong Wey Lim, posing with speakers and participants at the opening ceremony.

Dato Sri Dr. Gathorne Gathorne-Hardy, the 5th Earl of Cranbrook giving his speech on the past research of swiftlets and its many future prospects.

Prof. Dr. Faidz awarding a certificate and cash prize to Mr. Pritpal Singh who was the champion of the conference’s photography contest (student category) themed ‘The Beauty of Tropical Biodiversity’.

Prof. Dr. Asgar Ali (University of Nottingham Malaysia) delivering the first keynote session on The role of postharvest technology in achieving food security.

Poster presentation by Mr. Tham Yong Yao (UTAR) on his project entitled ”The effect of lauric acid on glucose uptake, glucose transporters and reactive oxygen species production in insulin-resistant macrophages”.

The public forum of the conference themed “Conservation of biodiversity, a way forward for better life” was held to bring together experts and the public of different backgrounds to discuss matters associated with the preservation of nature and biodiversity. 

Dr. Lim Tuck Meng, Dean of the Faculty of Science (UTAR) delivering the closing speech.

Prize giving ceremony to the winners of the oral and poster presentations.

Participants of the Belum forest excursion posing with a Rafflesia flower.

Participations of the Mossy Forest excursion posing for a group photo.

The organizing committee of the International Conference on Tropical Biodiversity 2018.



Event: The 30th International Conference of the Korean Society for Molecular and Cellular Biology (KSMCB) at COEX Center, Seoul, Korea

Date: September 17-19, 2018

The academic staff of Department of Biomedical Science, Faculty of Science Mr. Sinouvassane Djearamane was awarded KSMCB Travel Grant Award by the Korean Society for Molecular and Cellular Biology (KSMCB). The award comprises a certificate with a cash price of USD 520.



Event: Educational and Collaborative Study Tour to MARDI, Serdang

Date: 26 September 2018

Organizers: Department of Agricultural and Food Science, Faculty of Science

Group photo taking during the Educational and Collaborative Study Tour, Mardi Serdang

Dr. Hadijah Hassan, Deputy Director (Food Safety and Forensic Programme) was giving some explanation on her laboratory operation and services

Dr. Faridah Hussin was describing the function and the operation of the food equipment at the food processing pilot plant

Departmental staff were given an introductory presentation about Mardi Food Science and Technology Research Centre by Dr. Faridah Hussin, Deputy Director (Food Designing Programme)

Presentation of token of appreciation to Dr. Faridah Hussin, Deputy Director by Dr. Ong Mei Kying, Head of Department of Agricultural and Food Science




Event: Visit to Mr Yeow's durian farm and orchard in Gopeng

Date: 26 August 2018

Organizers: UTAR Agricultural and Food Science Society

Short briefing by Mr Yeow about the importance of agriculture sector to the Malaysian economy
Mr Yeow explaning the right planting techniques in order to produce quality Musang King durians
Mr Yeow explaining the disease and disorders of oil palm

Study visit to Mr Yeow's durian farm and orchard in Gopeng



Event: Visit to Spritzer Ecopark (Taiping)

Date: 24 August 2018

Organizers: Department of Agricultural and Food Science for students taking UDAF3213/ UDEE3122 Food Safety and Quality Assurance

Study visit to Spritzer processing plant in Taiping
Short briefing before we were allowed to enter the manufacturing line.
Dr. Kuan presenting a token of appreciation to Spritzer Ecopark Taiping



Event: Inaugural Biomedical Science Series (UTAR, Kampar campus)

Date: 6 & 9 July 2018

Organizers: Department of Biomedical Science, Faculty of Science

The speakers Dr Cheong (left) and Ms Vinny Len (second left) and their family members
Speaker Ms Stephanie Yong (right) with Deputy Dean Dr Gideon Khoo (left)
Group picture with the audience



Event: Agricultural Science Alumni Talk Series (UTAR, Kampar campus)

Date: 29 June 2018

Organizers: Department of Agricultural and Food Science, Faculty of Science

Agricultural Science Alumni Talk Series by Mr. Lee Pei Xiong, Mr. Tan Ming Chong and Mr. Muhammad Ihsan Bin Firman, on 29 June 2018
Presentation of token of appreciation to Mr. Tan Ming Chong by Dr. Tan Yen Nee
Presentation of token of appreciation to Mr. Muhammad Ihsan by Dr. Tan Yen Nee
Presentation of token of appreciation to Mr. Lee Pei Xiong by Dr. Tan Yen Nee
Group photo during the Agricultural Science Alumni Talk Series on 29 June 2018




Event: Food Science Alumni Talk Series (UTAR, Kampar campus)

Date: 27 June 2018

Organizers: Department of Agricultural and Food Science, Faculty of Science

Food Science Alumni Talk Series by Mr. Anthony Wong on 27 June 2018
Presentation of token of appreciation to Mr. Anthony Wong by Dr. Ong Mei Kying (Head, Department of Agricultural and Food Science



Event: Briefing Session on the Yayasan KLK Scholarship (UTAR, Kampar campus)

Date: 26 June 2018

Organizers: Department of Agricultural and Food Science, Faculty of Science

Mr. Eugene Jacob (Head of Human Resource) giving his briefing to the Year 1 Agricultural Science students



Event: Visit to WonderFarm Mushroom Sdn Bhd (Taiping)

Date: 16 April 2018

Organizers: Department of Agricultural and Food Science for students taking UDAF2104 Food Microbiology

Field trip to Wonder Farm Mushroom Sdn Bhd, Taiping
Lingzhi mushroom
White oyster mushroom
Dr Kuan presenting a token of appreciation to the farm owner, Mr Tan



 Event: Faculty of Science (FSc) Final Year Project (FYP) Oral Presentation Student Conference (January 2018)

Date: 17 April 2018

Venue: DDK1, UTAR, Kampar campus

Dr Lim TM, Dean of Faculty of Science giving an opening speech 
Goh Shu En (AG - Best Oral Presenter) with supervisor Dr Kwong PJ (right) and DAFS HoD Dr Ong MK (left) 
Chang Kiat Yin (AG - 1st Runner Up) with supervisor Dr Ong CA (left) and DAFS HoD Dr Ong MK (right) Ong Liang Jun (AG - 2nd Runner Up) with supervisor Dr Kwong PJ (left) and DAFS HoD Dr Ong MK (right)
Lim Kar Mun (FD - Best Oral Presenter) with supervisor Ms Silvara (left) and DAFS HoD Dr Ong MK (right) 
Ong Jia Yi (FD - 1st Runner Up) with supervisor and DAFS HoD Dr Ong MK Tan Si Yi (FD - 2nd Runner Up) with supervisor and DAFS HoD Dr Ong MK
Lim Yi Hui (BM - Best Oral Presenter) with supervisor Dr Sit NW (left) and DBMS HoD Dr Chee HP (right) Chua Eng See (BM - 2nd Runner Up) with supervisor Dr Michelle Ng (left) and DBMS HoD Dr Chee HP (right)
Gan Hui Jin (BT - Best Oral Presenter) with supervisor Dr Wong HL (left) and DBS HoD Dr Nor Ismaliza (right) Kong Sue Ching (BT - 2nd Runner Up) with supervisor Dr Kho CL (left) and DBS HoD Dr Nor Ismaliza (right)
Ng Sheau Veon (MB - Best Oral Presenter) with supervisor Dr Teh YL (left) and DBS HoD Dr Nor Ismaliza (right) 
Boo Xin Lik (CE - Best Oral Presenter) with supervisor and DCS HoD Dr Sim KM (left) 
Lim Tze Chin (BE - Best Oral Presenter) with supervisor Ms Anto Cordelia (right) and DCS HoD Dr Sim KM (left) Nancy Pang Bao Yi (BE - 1st Runner Up) with supervisor and DCS HoD Dr Sim KM (left)
Wong Shann Ying (LI - Best Oral Presenter) with supervisor Dr Lam WS (right) and DPMS HoD Dr Lam WH (left) 
Tang Jia Cheng (LI - 1st Runner Up) with supervisor En Mohd Abidin (left) and DPMS HoD Dr Lam WH (far left) Lee Ying Qian (LI - 2nd Runner Up) with supervisor En Mohd Azam (right) and DPMS HoD Dr Lam WH (left)
Foo Wee Kee (SC - Best Oral Presenter) with supervisor Dr Lee HC (right) and DPMS HoD Dr Lam WH (left) 
Foo Wee Kee (SC - 1st Runner Up) with supervisor Dr Lam WS (right) and DPMS HoD Dr Lam WH (left) Ho Wai Yee (SC - 2nd Runner Up) with supervisor Ms Yik LK (left) and DPMS HoD Dr Lam WH (far left)
All winners with their supervisors, lecturers, heads of departments and Dean 



Event: Visit to WonderFarm Mushroom Sdn Bhd (Taiping)

Date: 12 March 2018

Organizers: Department of Agricultural and Food Science

Mr. Tan Ti Sheak, the owner of WonderFarm Mushroom explaining the procedure of mushroom cultivation from substrate preparation to mushroom inoculation and incubation of mushroom spawns
Mrs. Tan explaining the importance of adding lime into the substrate mixture of sawdust and wheat bran
Mr. Tan and his son showing how the mycelia of the Grey oyster mushroom (Pleurotus pulmonarius) look like after inoculation for several days
Mr. Tan showing demonstrating how the spawn bag works, and how growth conditions were monitored and regulated in a mushroom house to ensure proper growth and increased yields
Explaining about bioconversion efficiency and how different mushrooms require different growth parameters
Dr. Tan Ji presenting a token of appreciation to Mr. Tan Ti Sheak
Group photo at the end of the visit





Event Name: 24th Malaysia Toray Science Foundation (MTSF) Prize Presentation Ceremony

Venue: InterContinental Kuala Lumpur

Date: 7 December 2017

Master of Science student Esther Thou Mun Huieh of Department of Biomedical Science, Faculty of Science (DBMS/FSc) who won the Science and Technology Research grant amounting to RM 30,000
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