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Greetings from China

By Esaline Marie Spykerman
Bachelor of Communication (Hons) Advertising
Class of August 2007

China is a beautiful place with its long history thus offering great enrichment for studies. Mere words simply cannot describe the beautiful scenery in China. There is so much to learn and to discover from the people in China.

I was previously a Bachelor of Communication in Advertising student and I am currently a full-time MA student in International Communications in the University of Nottingham, Ningbo, China.

Thanks to Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman and Professor Yang Fujia, I was offered a scholarship to pursue my postgraduate studies here. I also wish to express my gratitude to Dr. Muhammad Sham bin Shahkat Ali, who encouraged me to enhance my experience and knowledge in a new environment.

Presently I am about to submit my research thesis on "A Semiotic Analysis on Fashion Magazine Advertisements". This thesis addresses issues on advertising related to the influence of body image distortion.

Chinese culture has impressed me with the values and beliefs held for generations while keeping up with the changes over time and providing room for improvement. In my research, I analyze Chinese modern society in the adoption of fashion trends in the past. I have observed a tremendous change in fashion trends from traditional to western modernity while incorporating eastern cultures. During this time of tremendous changes in China, it has been a great experience for me to be able to live the life of a student in a foreign land with new friends.

Most importantly, I have enjoyed learning and accepting a new culture. As the saying goes "when in Rome, do as the Romans do." I am challenged to learn their language diligently. By practising to speak with the help of my friends here, I am now more fluent in the Chinese language.

The writer
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