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APRIL 2009

Life As An Auditor

Lawrence Kang Kee Chuan
Bachelor of Commerce (Hons) Accounting
March 2007

I = Interviewer L = Lawrence

I: Please tell us briefly your experience in finding your dream job after graduation. Why do you choose this career? Is it related to your studies?

L: After completing my studies at UTAR, even before my convocation, I got an offer from a multinational travel agency in KL for the post of Account Executive (Acting Manager). I reported directly to the Director of Finance at HQ. With the assistance of an account assistant, I took charge of both Taiwan and Malaysia accounts. After my convocation, I received a notification letter from Deloitte, Penang offering me the post of Audit Assistant. Since my hometown is Penang and it was a more challenging job, I quit my first job and joined Deloitte. I really enjoyed the experience working in Deloitte. It was the place I applied the knowledge that I acquired while studying in UTAR: accounting principle, audit program fundamental understanding, FRS, MASB and PERS. Then in Nov 2008, I received another offer from Ernst & Young LLP for the position as an Audit Executive LV3 (highest level). Since that is a major milestone for my career, I decided to join EY Singapore in December, 2008.

I: How long have you been in your existing profession?

L: I have been in audit line for 2 years.

I: What and where do you see yourself in your future career?

L: I will remain in the audit line until I achieve my target as an audit partner. It is mainly because I love the nature of the job and the responsibilities that come with it.

I: What are your achievements so far?

L: From the first day I joined audit line till now, I have audited more than 60 companies including an organization which is government linked, investment holdings, estates, plantations, manufacturing and service providers, I have covered public listed companies, non listed public interest companies, and small SMEs. All these experiences have honed my leadership skills as I progress from a lower level to a higher level in my career.

I: What are the challenges in your job?

L: I will say the toughest challenge is handling non-cooperative clients and fraud cases while trying to meet the tight deadlines. Anyway, I enjoy these challenges that come with the job.

I: What are the motivational factors that drive you on?

L: My dream of getting retired before 50 years old. I hope I can lead a better life with my loving family without the stress of financial burden.

I: Any motivational advice for UTAR alumni and the students?

L: Do not undermine your worth by comparing yourself with others. We are different in our own way and each of us is special. And, do not set your goals by what other people deem important. Because only you know what is best for you. Thus, do not take for granted the things closest to your heart.

The Writer

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