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MAY 2009

Tea Meetings With The President March 2009

UTAR President Ir. Prof. Dato' Dr. Chuah Hean Teik interacted with graduating students at high tea sessions called 'Tea Meeting with the President'. These sessions were held at Klang Valley branch campuses, namely Faculty of Creative Industries, Faculty of Information and Communication Technology, Faculty of Accountancy and Management and Faculty of Engineering and Sciences in March 2009. These tea meetings were organized by UTAR's Department of Alumni Relations and Placement (DARP) with the aim of providing students the golden opportunity to approach and mingle with UTAR President himself and also with other UTAR senior officials.

In his opening speech, Prof. Chuah shared several practical and valuable tips on attending job interviews. He urged students to be wise in choosing and finding their niche in the working world. He stressed to the students that having the academic skills alone was not enough to ensure them a good job. Instead, they should be aware of other important criterial for selection such as possessing good personality and communication skills.

Prof. Chuah also advised students to possess positive work attitude in securing their jobs. He added that fresh graduates should be realistic and should not too selective in their job search. They should learn to gain worthwhile experience from their first job and continue learning in order to prepare themselves for the new challenges that they will encounter in working life.

The tea meeting also provided students with the opportunity to obtain more useful information and assistance from the booths set up by Department of Alumni Relations & Placement (DARP), Division of Programme Promotion, Centre for Extension Education and the Department of Soft Skills Competency during the high tea session.

After the president's speech, Ms. Sum Kwai Seong, Head of the Department of Alumni Relations & Placement (DARP) introduced the role of DARP as well as the services provided by DARP to UTAR alumni and graduating students. She highlighted the importance of alumni updating UTAR with their contact numbers and addresses. Students were also briefed on the coming convocation in August. She closed her speech by encouraging students to continue close ties with their alma mater.

She also informed them of the up-coming Career Fair, which was specially organized for them and UTAR alumni in April. UTAR transport was to be organized free-of-charge for those who were from the Faculty of Accountancy and Management, as well as the Faculty of Engineering and Science. They were required to register for the transport before the Career Fair.

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