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MAY 2009

Career Fair 2009

A career fair was specially organized on 30 and 31 March 2009 for UTAR graduating students and alumni at PB block, UTAR PJ campus.

Forty seven companies took up exhibition booths and 8 organizations set up career counselling booths. There was overwhelming response from more than 1,200 visitors who comprised UTAR students and alumni. The main objective of UTAR Career Fair is to enhance UTAR students' employability and career development.

Many students attended walk-in interviews by the participating companies and organizations, and some of them were offered jobs well before their graduation in August 2009. A total of 12 career talks were conducted by invited speakers. The topics included career opportunities at their companies, and how to prepare for the job market. The students who attended the talks were greatly motivated as they learned about the importance of proper work attitude and etiquette emphasized by the speakers.

During the launching of the UTAR Career Fair, Y Bhg Ir Prof Dato' Dr Chuah Hean Teik, UTAR president, was happy to announce the impressive track record of employment among UTAR graduates: more than 98.5% students of UTAR graduates were employed within the first six months after graduation. "We are glad that even during this economic crisis, we have 51 companies participating in this fair. The number is higher than last year's participation," said Prof Chuah.

Prof Chuah also added that this would be a good opportunity for UTAR students to grab early employment even before graduation.

Y ABhg Tun Dr Ling Liong Sik, UTAR council chairman, was present to officiate the opening ceremony. His speech encouraged students to gain first hand knowledge from industry. He also encouraged an entrepreneurial spirit among students and graduates.

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