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JULY 2009

Interview with Chew Wey Wah

Chew Wey Wah
Bachelor of Marketing (HONS)
Alumni August 2008

I = Interviewer WW = Wey Wah

I: Please tell us briefly your experience in finding your dream job after graduation.

WW: It is indeed a very challenging task for me. After venturing into the working world, I realized that it is almost impossible to find my dream job immediately after graduation; I believe that one's dream job can only materialize after much of effort and experience in life.

I: How long have you been with your existing profession? Can you tell us briefly about your job scope?

WW: Currently, I am servicing in a private institution which provides tertiary education and my core responsibility is to promote the institution's good name to local and potential students from overseas. I have been with this institution for 7 months. This job requires me to think for innovative marketing ideas and execute them in a more matured manner. My job scope includes building good rapport with existing oversea agents, delivering talks to oversea students, participating in road shows, handling daily enquiries from parents and students.

I: Why do you choose in this career?

WW: This job provides me sufficient room to put the knowledge I gained from my UTAR education into practice. I have learned a lot through my work experience. Besides, I find satisfaction in helping students in make the right decision for their career paths.

Chew Wey Wah

I: What are the challenges that you face in your job and where do you see yourself in your long term career?

WW: I aim to be a professional marketer in future. However, I clearly understand that this won't be as easy as I had thought, especially when dealing with people from other countries with different cultures. I remembered once, when I was at Myanmar, I faced great difficulty in communicating with the students there due to language barrier. English was the only language I could use to deliver what I wanted to tell them. However, they seemed to not understand what I was trying to convey.

I: I: So, what are the motivational factors that drive you on?

WW: There were moments when I felt so lost, especially when I was alone in foreign countries. However, I am grateful that my family members are always there to motivate me. Another factor that drives me on is my desire to hold on tightly to the target that I've set for myself.

I: Lastly, any advice for UTAR's alumni and students?

WW: Yes, only a few most of the time, and success as determined by passion, determination and perseverance! So, hold on and hang in there. Don't give up easily.

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