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Stepping into a New World: Prologue

Simon Lai
Bachelor of Communication (Hons) Psycology
Alumni August 2008

Since my graduation, I have attended a string of interviews with different companies. The interview process nowadays is not limited to a simple process of short listing and calling up shortlisted candidates for face to face interviews. With the industry giving more emphasis on human capital, recruitment teams have adopted various tools apart from face to face interviews to choose their candidates. These include the aptitude test, IQ test, creative and analytical test and also the conventional English test. Sound time consuming? Well, the truth is with long term goals in mind, companies nowadays are more willing to spend more time in order to find the right candidate to do the right job.

Typically, after the first round of tests, shortlisted candidates will be put in groups to discuss and resolve problems in case studies. Only those who manage to pass the second round will have the opportunity to be interviewed by the managers. These assessments are important for employers because they give an analysis of the qualities each candidate possesses such as their critical thinking ability, analytical skills, soft skills, English proficiency, etc. A failure in recruitment may cause not only time wastage, but also disciplinary problems and incur financial losses.

The Writer

Looking back over the past one year, I have experienced a lot of adventures, with laughter and tears. It is not an easy journey because besides playing my own role as the HR personnel, sometimes I have to multitask and play the role of an investigator, accountant, project leader, event organizer, IT personnel etc. simultaneously.

Bear in mind, our roles in whatever posts we are in now will expand as time progresses. Therefore, we need to arm ourselves with up-to-date knowledge and be vigilant all the time. We must have the knowledge, as well as practical experience. We also need to be deal with any possible situations so that we can perform well or even exceed our employers' expectation when the opportunity comes.

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