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Interview with Lee's Sibling 1

Lee Yew Kuan
Bachelor in Science (HONS) Construction Management
Alumni Batch August2009

I = Interviewer YK = Yew Kuan

I: What motivates you to study in UTAR?

YK: The main reason I chose UTAR to complete my tertiary education was due to its cheaper fees. We could hardly find another institution offering the same course at lower fees. Besides that, I was studying in TAR College before this and by continuing in UTAR; it saved my time and money as well due to some course exemptions.

I: Do any of your siblings influence you while making your decision to join UTAR?

YK: No. It was my own decision to join UTAR.

I: Have you ever encouraged your other siblings to join UTAR? Why?

YK: No, as I believe they can use their own discretion to choose which institute to pursue their tertiary education. They are mature enough to decide which institute that suits them best to prepare them for the industry.

I: Besides academic knowledge, what have you learnt while studying in UTAR?

YK: I studied part-time in Construction Management in UTAR and through the course, I gained a lot of first-hand experience from my classmates and lecturers who are really experienced in construction industry.

I: Tell us briefly about your current job.

YK: I am currently working as a Quantity Surveyor in Ranhill Worley Parsons, an established oil and gas engineering firm. My responsibility is to conduct weight controlling on offshore platform and material take-off for procurement purposes.

I: What course are you taking in UTAR currently? And what do you think of it?

YK: I took Construction Management (part-time) in UTAR. By comparing the fees and the quality, I consider UTAR has performed moderately for the course.



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