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Interview with Lee's Sibling 2

Lee Choon Kuan
Bachelor of Engineering (HONS) Civil Engineering
Year 1 Semester 1

I = Interviewer CK = Choon Kuan

I: What motivates you to study in UTAR?

CK: The main reason is due to the cheaper fees as compared to other universities. I would say the tuition fees can be considered as the cheapest in town and the most affordable for my parents as well. Besides, there are only very few colleges and universities that are offering Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering. UTAR is among the rare ones with the most affordable fees.

I: Do any of your siblings influence you while making your decision to join UTAR?

CK: It was my own decision to join UTAR. However, I do have a brother who has been studying in UTAR for four years and he has given me quite positive reviews of UTAR. He did not insist that I follow his footstep and gave me the chance to choose for myself. After several rounds of comparison and consideration, I finally chose UTAR.

I: Have you ever encouraged your other siblings to join UTAR? Why?

CK: I am the youngest in my family so I do not have any younger siblings. But I did encourage my cousins and friends to join UTAR when they asked for my recommendation.

I: Besides academic knowledge, what have you learnt while studying in UTAR?

CK: I learnt how to adapt myself to university life as it is totally different from studying at school. I realized that I am no longer being spoon fed and I need to be more independent. Besides, I have also learnt the values of working in teams for group assignments and sharpened my social skills to make more friends in the university.

I: What course are you taking in UTAR currently? And what do you think of it?

CK: I am taking Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering in UTAR now. Through the guidance from our professional lecturers. I found that this course suits me quite well. However, during the initial stage, I felt a bit bored because the course was dealing with some of the very basic subjects. I believe as time goes by, this course will become more interesting and challenging for me.



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