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Being Environmental Conscious

Kow Pei Chee
Bachelor of Communication (HONS) Public Relations
Alumni August 2008
Vice Chairman, Photography Society, 2006-2007

My heart sinks whenever I see people around me who are actually aware of the environmental issue never take a solid step forward to protect the environment. Instead, they are the ones who impair the environment, the Earth and among those, many are the so-called educated people.

Once, I heard a true story told by one of my friends who is working under the Non-Governmental Organization (NGO). According to her, on one occasion, a renowned company had conducted a corporate social responsibility campaign with NGO. All the employees of the company were told to help up in re-planting the mangrove trees for conservation purpose. However, what happened was instead of helping and cooperating, these employees just stood aside, sheltering themselves from the scorching sun while watching the NGO personnel planting the mangrove trees. When they left, piles of tissue papers and bottles were found around the mangrove swamp! That was not the only case, in fact, several similar cases had happened before. Due to these incidences, NGO nowadays has become stricter and selective before accepting any corporate proposal.

The Writer

On the other hand, I am working in a cafeteria in a corporate building. Once, a company organized a "Go Green Campaign" in the building. Though their concept was to go green, what they did was absolutely contradictory with their slogan. First, in conjunction with the campaign, they had printed many food discount vouchers, T-shirts, and banners which were not environmental friendly. Second, instead of using other more environmental friendly resources like banana leaves or paper wrapper, the organizer used lots of plastic boxes for dine-out orders for their customers. Third, even the organizer themselves urged us to prepare food for them in plastic containers. Well, personally, I strongly think that instead of organizing the "Go Green Campaign", it would be more realistic if the company could conduct an environmental conscious class to educate their employees first.

Through this article, I would really like to urge all of you to love the environment and the Earth. Live out the virtues of a highly educated society. Uplift your character and begin by discarding the habit of littering and the "NEVERMIND" or "IT'S OK" attitude.

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