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First Job - Not Always the Best

Class of August 2008

Graduating with an English degree a year ago, I was pretty much clueless on what I wanted to do as my lifelong career. The moment I finished the final paper of the final semester's examinations, I turned on my job-hunting mode. I was that kiasu.

To my dismay, most jobs listed weren't in the league of my interest until I overheard a friend of mine mentioning about a high-paying job in the bank for fresh graduates. I hopped into the bandwagon and started beautifying my resume in hope to catch the attention of my potential employers.

After an agonizing wait of 2 months and a few other interviews in-between, the bank finally called me for an interview! That moment was pure bliss as I though I will be on my way to a high-flying career with an awesome pay. I went for the interview and lo and behold, I was hired on the same day itself after going through 3 stages of interview.

That was my first job. After working in the bank for 6 months, I knew that wasn't my calling. My passion of writing keeps getting stronger day after day while I was working in the financial institution. I wanted to write, not dealing with recruitment all day long.

Alas, a good friend of mine mentioned to me that her company is hiring writers, I was ecstatic! I quickly made another resume and sent it to her company without hesitation. I got the interview and was hired on the same day! I was on cloud nine as I know this could be my dream job (and it is!) but I had this nagging feeling that I wasn't doing justice to my current employer in the bank. After much advice-seeking and pondering, I decided to hand in my resignation letter.

Now I am a writer for a property magazine and I have been working in this company ever since. I am in the midst of good and fun colleagues coupled with two bosses who are extremely firm yet nice and understanding. I have no regrets thus far working in this company as deep down I know this is where I can hone my writing skills and at the same time enjoy it as my dream job. (Yes, I have found my dream after two attempts of job hunting!) It is related to what I have studied and it feels good to be able to apply what you have learnt in what you do.

It has been almost 7 months since I have parked myself in this magazine company and still counting! I am still excited about this job as everyday and every publication there will be different challenges and people to meet. I am able to attend many events and at the same time gain experience, and the most rewarding of all is to see the articles I wrote published for the market to read and gain knowledge on various property issues. And another plus point about this job is that I am able to meet top management people and build up my network of contacts perhaps for future plans.

Though this is my dream job, there are still many obstacles and challenges which I need to face everyday ? writer?s block, demanding clients, piles of deadlines and arranging of interviews with the top notch people (it is definitely not easy!) but I consider it valuable as it will help me grow in my profession and build up my character as a writer and person.

I am still a novice in the working world but I am striving to learn as much as I possible can and build up my portfolio. For those who are waiting to leap into the working world, I would say, be patient. Look for what is best for you and do not solely look at the pay and benefits alone. Sometimes all these good pay and benefits made up for the long hours and stress that you have to deal everyday.

I am earning much less than what I earned during my time as a Graduate Trainee in the bank but I am much happier working where I am now. I prefer working happily than dealing with unnecessary stress in a place where I do not fit in. However, whatever career you choose, it is your choice. But please bear in mind that your first job might not be the career you are looking for. Be flexible and focus while starting your job hunt.

And another word of advice, do research before stepping into the interview room. Believe me, it helps a lot.

The writer

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