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Reaching Up for The Moon

Cheong Yee Mei
Bachelor Of Communication(HONS)Public Relations
Class of August 2009

My 3 years journey in university has finally ended. When I look back, it wasn't an easy route due to my inferiority, self consciousness, and lack of courage to overcome some seemingly impossible challenges. In other words, my journey was definitely not smooth sailing Ocean to the shore. I remember having sleepless nights worrying about a simple presentation, shedding tears due to escalated amount of stress in assignments, and scarring friendships in arguments over projects. But I knew it was also these stormy seas that I faced which made me a good and skillful sailor today.

In order to progress in whatever I do, I believe it is crucial to detect my area of weaknesses. Although my peers often rated me better than I expected, I knew there were areas of weakness - my writing and leadership skills. To overcome these challenges, I took up the role as a group leader in numerous assignments and projects in order to hone my leadership skills that I lack. When I was requested to contribute an article to UTAR, I knew it was also a challenge I took up in order to become a better writer. I always believe I could be better in many areas. I said, "Never believe you're good enough and always strive for excellence." After all, an expert at anything was once a beginner too.

However, in everything I do, I believe it is important to set a goal. I could still remember vividly on the first day of lecture, we were told that this was not an easy course and only a handful was awarded the 1st class honors each year. At that very moment, I told myself I had to be among the cream of the crop. Many said it was a goal too high to be accomplished and I would only disappoint myself when I failed to do so. To me, however I would set a goal as high as the moon merely because if I fall, I would be among the stars.

Two semesters before my graduation, I realized that I was unlikely to achieve my goal of first class honours. That was the most depressing moment in my journey. I knew the chances to climb the ladder back up to the top were very slim, but not impossible. The fall was never a reason to take the easy way out, though many would have considered Second Upper Class ranking to be good enough. On the contrary, I learnt to put back hope and faith into my studies. As the saying goes, "Hope dies unless you feed it and if there's no action, there's no hope." I never gave up, instead I worked harder. Finally, managed to pull up my grades.

As I continued to embark on my journey of university education, I also learnt that though being outspoken, hardworking and highly attentive in classes were important, they were not the only ways to accomplish success. I personally believe that sharing knowledge and ideas with my peers was another effective way to progress in studies. Best be said; "Never be reluctant to share your knowledge because as you give, you will receive more from others." On this note, I wish my friends of UTAR all the best in their endeavors to bring UTAR to greaten heights.

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