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President's New Year Message 2010


As we celebrate the New Year, we look back with pride and gratitude for a victorious past while we continue to chart new landmarks and make impressive strides in our journey of transforming this young university into an internationally reputable research focused university.

Entering its eighth year of existence, UTAR has remained steadfast in our noble aim of educating our youth for the nation building.  This brand new year promises to bring us many challenges and opportunities as we gain greater momentum in our efforts to thrive in this highly competitive global education landscape of the 21st century.  Several plans and initiatives are in the pipeline to bring this University to a sustainable future growth, including R & D initiatives, and new undergraduate and postgraduate degrees.


As we stand at the threshold of an exciting future, I am glad to highlight that UTAR remains a strong and vibrant  community, of which our alumni are an integral part of our collective aspiration.  Together as a family, UTAR has been able to progress steadily, with each achievement paving the way to the next milestone, and together we can embrace the future with confidence.


Our Department of Alumni Relations and Placement (DARP) that acts as a link between the University and its alumni, is playing an active role in connecting with the alumni by organizing homecoming celebration and other alumni activities, keeping alumni updated with the developments of UTAR and acting as an information centre for postgraduate studies, financial assistance and employment.


Together as a family, UTAR has been able to progress steadily, with each achievement paving the way to the next milestone.  I would like to thank all alumni for giving back to the University in many ways.  It is my hope that you, alumni, as key stakeholders of the University, would continue to strengthen our partnerships through your continued participation in our alumni activities, your valued feedback on campus development and your generous sharing of resources, talent and creativity that would benefit your juniors and contribute to the continued success of your alma mater. 


With this hope, the University extends to all of you its warmest wishes for a Happy New Year and we look forward to your continuous and wholehearted support in shaping the future of the University.


                                                            Happy New Year 2010!


Ir. Professor Dato' Dr. Chuah Hean Teik



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