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UTAR Trekathon 2009


TREKATHON 2009, an annual event organized by Sports Unit of Department of Student Affairs, was held on Sunday, 22nd November 2009, from 8.00 am to 11.30 am, at Lake Gardens, Kuala Lumpur.

Altogether there were 254 UTAR students, 8 staff, and 14 external participants who joined TREKATHON 2009. The trekathon was opened to all UTAR students. As for Open Category, the participation was extended to UTAR Alumni and Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia (UPNM).

Registration started at 8a.m to enlist all the runners who came respectively from UTAR KL Campus, PJ Campus, Sg. Long Campus and Perak Campus. Generally, there were 6 categories namely UTAR Students Category, UTAR Staff Category, and UTAR Open Category for both men and women?s groups.

For Men Category, Perak Campus won both the UTAR Students and Staff Category while UPNM came first in Open Category. As for Women Category, PJ Campus succeeded in UTAR Students Category; KL Campus won in UTAR Staff Category while Ms Michelle Marie Peris, a UTAR Alumnus won the Open Category.

Klang Valley team won the Overall Champion by obtaining a total of 78 points whereas Perak campus obtained 32 points.

In general, it was a successful event with generous sponsorship from Campus Plus, Timex, Green Home, Memory Lane, Secret, Follow Me, Clear, H-Two-O Isotonic and Uber Men who bigheartedly gave away watches, door gifts, can drinks, and some daily products to winners and participants of the event.


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