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Being Initiative, Responsible and Curiosity

Lim Li Li
Bachelor of Communication (HONS) Advertising
Class of August 2009
Presidents? List, May 2006 Semester

I began my career on 1st July 2009 as a Brand & Marketing Executive. I am interested with branding since my study in university. Hence, when I came across this post in newspaper, I immediately looked up for more information of the company since not much was provided in the ads.

Currently, I am still learning and absorbing more knowledge in branding field. I am glad that my colleagues and I have the opportunities to attend various seminars and exhibitions besides meeting clients to hone our skills in this field. Those are good chances indeed to experience and get to know what are happening in the real world rather than relying on book knowledge.

As a fresh graduate, I always remind myself to posses these three attitudes at work, namely Initiative, Responsible, and Curiosity. Nowadays, there are too many graduates who possess the same degree. In order to stand out, we need to have the initiative to learn more and perform better at work. Responsibility is important because it ensures us to do our best in completing our work and last but not least, curiosity leads us to gain more knowledge in working life. Whilst I believe there is no perfect staff, what we can do is to keep improving and make sure we can do better than yesterday.

I used to compare myself with others when I was young but I changed my mind set after I came to university. It is because I realized that everyone has his/her own strength and weakness, so there is no point for me to compare myself to others and later suffer from that. As long as I could excel and outdo myself by doing better than yesterday, I am satisfied.

As for my juniors, remember that your first impression for the interviewer is extremely important. Therefore, you must appear to be confident. Don?t seek after an easy and high salary job as skills and knowledge you can gain from the job is another more considerable criteria. Besides, result is not the only thing employers nowadays are looking for. My experience told me that your attitude and soft skills take a bigger account in ensuring you a job. Hence, practice, make mistakes and learn more while you are in university rather than filing errors in workplace.

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