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UTAR Alumni Liaison Representatives' NewYear Gathering 2010

UTAR Alumni Liaison Representatives' NewYear Gathering 2010

UTAR Alumni Liaison Representatives were warmly welcomed by UTAR President Ir. Prof. Dato' Dr. Chuah Hean Teik and some other UTAR Senior Officials when they attended the Alumni Liaison Representative?s New Year Gathering 2010 held on 16th January 2010 at UTAR PJ Campus. The gathering was organized by Department of Alumni Relations and Placement as a continuous effort to bond the link between UTAR and its alumni.

In his welcoming speech, Prof. Chuah highlighted the importance of forging the relation between alumni and their alma mater. He reminded the Alumni Liaison Representatives that besides helping in bridging alumni and UTAR, they also bore the great responsibilities to pass the good traditions to their juniors and to promote the good name of UTAR. "One of the criteria for ranking renowned universities in the world is how supportive the alumni are, especially in terms of donations and how active they are in participating or organizing alumni events", elaborated the President of UTAR.

The big family

ALRs interact with each others

Prof. Chuah also kept the alumni posted of the development and growth of their beloved alma mater. He disclosed the information on UTAR recent purchase of Bandar Sg. Long Campus and an adjacent land for future expansion. Besides Business courses offered by Faculty of Accountancy and Management at Bandar Sg. Long Campus, another prominent faculty, namely the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences would also be placed at the campus to offer UTAR very first Medicine and Health Science courses.

He further revealed that UTAR is privileged to gain the support of Ministry of Health in using several government hospitals and health clinics as teaching and training hospitals for its Medicine and Health Sciences students. The first recruitment of 50 Medicine students would be opened in May Intake.

Before ending his speech, Prof. Chuah urged the alumni to have a discerning mind especially in distinguishing untruthful lies and rumors thrown at UTAR. "Rumors stop at the wise", he added. He also advised the alumni to constantly update their profiles and information in the Alumni Portal so that UTAR can keep them abreast of the latest news and development. Overall, the alumni and UTAR Senior Officials had a great time bonding and catching up with each other in the short gathering.

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