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MARCH 2010

Challenge for A Fresh Graduate

Ong Ming Sing
Bachelor of Communication (Hons)Journalism
August 2009

People always say, "Graduate just like losing a job." Until today, I still do not think so. As a student, you will be dream and dream and dreaming. I was an undergraduate student at 1 year ago. I am also a person likes to dream at that time, should say, now I am still like to dream, but I always make sure that I am dream without neglected but with perseverance.

I was Journalism course undergraduate in UTAR. From internship to my job now, I appreciate what I learn in UTAR. Recall back the last month in UTAR, all friends prepare last exam with hard work, because the CGPA can increase or not really depends on this exam. Besides, we were sending many resumes to our dream company, me too.

5th of May 2009 was my last day in UTAR. After that, I make myself a graduate present with went to my dream vacation, Taiwan. After came back from Taiwan, I received three telephone call from the company that I apply for job. At last, I choose a job that has lowest salary among them but nearest to my dream, and it follow me until today.


I am an editor for a Chinese Travel Magazine. Many people envy me have a job that can make me travel around. That is no denying that this is really a job that makes me see many things in different places. However it is also a job challenging a fresh graduate. To be an editor, I require planning the content of magazine, being a photographer for the event and attending many activities and traveling events. The most unforgotten thing is I always over time until midnight (2-3am) when near the deadline of the magazine. It seems like very terrible, but I think you should have positive minded when u accept a job. You will be realizing that you felt a great sense of achievement when you reached the top of your dream. This feeling due to what you get depends on how much effort you put in.

My motto "A better self will came from everything that happened to you." It always the advice motivates me. Do not think that you are the best person or only person can cover the job scope. The company will still going on without you. So, make sure you understand your strengths and your target when you apply a job. All the best to undergraduate students in UTAR, again, graduate not means you are losing job.

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