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MARCH 2010

Inaugural Workshop For Postgraduate Studies Overseas And Malaysia


On 30th January 2010 a workshop on postgraduate studies options - overseas and in Malaysia was held in UTAR PJ campus. This workshop catered specifically for UTAR alumni and graduating students was organized by the Department of Alumni Relations and Placement. Senior academicians of UTAR had generously contributed their time for this workshop, seeing it fell on a public holiday, which was the Thaipusam. By 9am the hall was filled with over 400 participants consisting of graduating students as well as alumni.

The workshop began with the introduction of five main speakers namely, Prof. Dr. Lee Sze Wei, Prof. Dr. Faidz bin Abdul Rahman, Prof. Dr. Ewe Hong Tat, Dr. Ng Teong Kuen @ Wang Chan Chin and Dr. Carmen Nge Siew Mun; as well as ten other academicians as panelists for the Regional Group Workshops of North America, Australia/New Zealand, UK & Europe and Asia.

In introducing postgraduate studies, Prof. Lee highlighted on the current opportunities available locally and overseas. He also emphasized on the crucial factors to be considered in deciding the types of postgraduate courses i.e. research based and a combination of coursework and research postgraduate degree. The other highlights on his presentation were part time vs. full time studies, pursuing postgraduate studies vs. going into employment directly, recognitions of a local degree and the general tuition fees and expenses incurred overseas, as well as the learning experiences overseas.

For the following one half hour, Prof. Faidz shared on the studies options available in Malaysia, consolidated with his personal experience on pursuing his postgraduate studies full time and working part time. He further echoed Prof. Lee?s overview on the types of postgraduate studies and challenged a question to students and alumni - ?What is your motivation for postgraduate?? Before concluding, Prof. Faidz reminded all participants regardless of their decision, effective time management, self-discipline and commitment are essentials to achieving success.

The panellist

Attendance of the day

Prof. Ewe, Dr. Carmen and Dr. Wang gave an overview of the differences in studying overseas. They provided general information on the application procedures, financial support and deciding on a university. Through her own personal experience, Dr. Carmen emphasized that universities abroad focus on co-curricular activities and volunteer work as part of their admission requirements. Prof. Ewe encouraged participants to take their own initiative to research relevant information before deciding on a university and to believe in their own capabilities, whereas Dr. Wang focused on his experience as a student in Japan through his informative and pictorial PowerPoint slides.

During the Q&A session, participants took to the floor engaging enquiries ranging from the prospect of studying Psychology & Sociology in Japan, to relevant English Language Testing System and career development. In the respective regional workshop, participants were presented with detailed information about specific study routes in the chosen region, and they were further treated to personal experiences and knowledge from different panelists in their areas of expertise.

Overall, this inaugural workshop on postgraduate studies has received an encouraging and warm response from alumni and graduating students, and they left the workshop with new ideas, beaming hope and vision of what the future beholds after an undergraduate degree.

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