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MAY 2010

People! Network! People! Network!

Alumni August 2009

"Yes, I accept!" This is the answer I gave to the manager of my first job when he offered me the opportunity to work oversea. My company is a consultancy firm. The nature of the business is to conduct offshore consultation service. For the past five months, I have travelled to China, Vietnam, Singapore and the Philippines. However, I spent most of my time in the Philippines. My job responsibilities include account servicing, company advertisements, sales and marketing. Through these responsibilities, I learn about management skills and people skills.

My work is all about networking. These are not skills we can get through text books. My job requires me to do many client presentations. It is indeed a professional job and it requires me to progress from a zero to a hero. It does not matter whether you are merely a fresh graduate or graduate with not-so-high CGPA. All that matters is my attitude and that is what differs me from others when I am employed.

I was sent to the Philippines by my company because I have got the right attitude. I made a lot of friends there and I will always appreciate their kindness. They invited me to travel to different parts of the Philippine and even cooked their local delicacies for me. One of the most unforgettable experiences I had was during typhoon season at Philippines. My neightbour was flooded and I was stranded in my hostel room, alone. I was starving because I had no food in store. Fortunately, my Filiphino friends invited me to their room and gave me, a bowl of hot instant noodles. That was the tastiest food I have ever had.

So, now that if you ask me what is my greatest job achievement in the Philippenes? My answer would be - making friends. I made friends with the suppliers, convenient store's part timer, launderette owner, bakery shop owner and so on. From my work experience over the past year, I have one piece of advice for UTAR graduate: "Remember, work is all about networking."

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