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Word of Encouragement and Experience

Debbie Soh Kim Lian
First Class Honour in Bachelor Of Communication(HONS)Public Relations
Class of August 2008

It was not easy to maintain my results every semester. Looking back when I was studying in UTAR for my bachelor degree, to maintain CGPA 3.5 and above was seem to be quite impossible but at the end of the day, I've made it. The word LOVE is superb as it can give the adrenaline rush to succeed. If you love something, you would do anything for it.

For me, I learn to LOVE public relations and subjects under it. I learn to LOVE my lecturers despite some maybe cranky. I learn to LOVE the people studying with me especially my group members despite some may be annoying. Since I learn to love PR and my lecturers, I was very attentive in class, whenever the lecturer asked a question or an opinion, I responded. Never be afraid to speak out, be bold.

Being an active learner in lecture or tutoring classes, I do not need to study as hard as the passive learners because I have understood the subjects in class and I only needed to revise them before the exams.

That's smart learning, and you don?t need to be a book worm to succeed. If your group members are not cooperating in the group work, take up the challenge to lead the group. That was how I was.

Being a leader is not as simple as it seems, at time, the leader might do more work, yes but, think in a positive way where you indeed have learned more than the rest. You don't need to study 'till you drop, study smart and be consistent that's the key. So, never give up half way, LOVE what you do cause that passion will bring you to the top.

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