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My Success Story

Lim Shi Jin

Bachelor of Commerce (Hons) Accounting

President's List - Jan 2008 Trimester

Dean's List - May 2007, May 2008, Jan 2009, Jan 2010 Trimester

My philosophy of life is pretty simple, live life the way you want it to be and try the best in what you do so that you won't regret it in the future.

When I was a student, I always believed in a few things in life. First and foremost, is to have confidence. Always take pride in what you do even in the smallest achievement because with pride comes confidence, and with confidence comes success. There are always setbacks and discouraging situations but never let those pull you down because what that doesn't kill you makes you stronger. If you fail, try, try again and never lose hope.

There's always something to learn in every outcome, be it good or bad. Sometimes we may find lectures boring or not able to satisfy our quench for knowledge, but hey, that's not the reason to skip classes! Lecturers are qualified academic individuals and there's definitely something that we can learn from each of them. Respect them and treat them as your friend, you'll realize there's so much more to learn. Try to look beyond the books that you read, the theories that you learn, and the assignments that you do. You?ll find besides those printed knowledge, there are other more important skills that we need to possess. The skills that teach you how to deal with people, delegate jobs, take orders, build friendship and so much more. Those are the skills that are going to win you a career for whole life.


 Last but not least, seek for continuous improvement. Constantly look for ways to improve ourselves in life, in skills, in knowledge, in relationships, and in everything you do. My friend once told me that "If you think you've tried hard enough, there's always someone else who had tried harder. Nothing is enough, there's always something more." So keep on trying, harder and harder, to improve and further improve.

My motto now is "I will never lose to my yesterday." And you shall not too. Good luck to you and me, as we embark on our future undertakings.

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