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MARCH 2011

Keep Learning

Christopher Chak Weng Choong

Bachelor of Information Systems (Hons) Information Systems Engineering 

(Class on March 2009)


When my friends ask me what university I graduated from, I gladly tell them, " I'm from UTAR". The university had always been supportive of my desire to learn and my ambition to excel. I was also blessed with lecturers who cared about us, guided us and pointed us in the right direction gently when we were lost. I learnt a lot during those 3 years, but the biggest lesson I learnt was never to stop learning.

After 2 years of working as a Java developer, I can share with you that I joined my current company thinking that I knew a lot but I realized in a few short weeks how wrong my perception was. Everybody was busy and no one had the time to explain things to me. I was simply given a book list and a few introductory articles to read. I asked for documentation or quick-start guides but there were none available. It was then that I remembered that learning does not stop when one graduates from university.

University is just the beginning of a lifelong journey in the pursuit of knowledge. I started reading the books given to me, spent many hours working things out and gradually got the hang of things. As my work improved, my confidence grew. When I made mistakes, my team mates directed me in the right direction. The process took discipline and humility but it was worth the effort because I presently contribute significantly to my team.


As you continue your studies in UTAR, I would encourage you to make learning your lifelong goal. Let the tutorials, assignments and exams be your guide, but keep your focus on learning. Your investment of your time and effort will not go to waste. The basics you learn now will be the foundation for your learning in the future. I wish you all the best.

(I currently work as a Java Developer in Experian Malaysia's Global R&D Centre in Cyberjaya. My work is Java Swing Based, where I contribute to development of financial analytics software built on the Netbeans Platform. I would be delighted to hear from you at christopher.chak@my.experian.com)


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