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APRIL 2011

Postgraduate Study: A Better Alternative


"Acquiring a Postgraduate Degree offers better prospects to you than a mere Degree qualification when you seek for career opportunities," stated Professor Dr. Lee Sze Wei, Vice President of R&D and Commercialization.


His speech was one of the highlights during the Workshop for Postgraduate Studies in Overseas and in Malaysia held within UTAR premise on 25 February 2011 at Perak campus and on 5 March 2011 at Klang Valley campus. The workshop had drawn a crowd of 253 graduating students pending for August 2011 convocation including some public participants.


In his speech, Prof. Lee pointed out that a student with Postgraduate Degree qualification could enjoy more privileges in terms of recruitment, promotion, salary and numeration packages. He also touched on other crucial issues on how to prioritize between working and pursuing postgraduate study, ways to get financial assistance, career options available as well as types of postgraduate programs offered in Malaysia, particularly in UTAR. 


"Do not only compete locally, but globally" he challenged everyone.


Following Prof. Lee was a succession of talks presented by speakers from several faculties, all recognized for their invaluable experiences obtained while pursuing their postgraduate study in other countries. To name a few, Dr. Ng Choon Aun from Faculty of Engineering and Green Technology, shared his postgraduate study experience in Singapore while Ms. Azamira from German Academic Exchange Services (DAAD), touched on the structure of German higher education system and tips for scholarship acquisition. Postgraduate studies in private universities and in UTAR were not left out by Professor Dr. Faidz Bin Abd Rahman from Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Ms. Tan Sook Bee, representing E-West, drew comparisons between choosing traditional university or new university.



Graduating students paying their attention

Prof. Lee having his speech



Besides, the workshop was spiced up by the formation of several regional groups, each encompassing specific information pursuing studies in regional countries like Asia, North America, UK & Europe, Australia & New Zealand, as well as in UTAR. Such an up-close-and-personal approach was much welcomed by the participants as we witnessed enthusiastic students posed series of questions actively while hovering from one regional group to another.

Hold twice annually by the Department of Alumni Relations and Placement, the postgraduate studies workshop aims to keep students well informed of the significance of postgraduate studies; either for intellectual development or improved career and promotion prospects in a world of degree inflation.


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