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JUNE 2011

Full speed ahead!

Clement Wong Kiing Fook

Bachelor of Science (Hons) Biotechnology

Class of March 2011


3 years in UTAR has inspired me in so many different ways. Being a science student, it was rather stereotypic that others thought of us as the nerdy group who never love to socialize. We were always buried in piles of books and carrying out countless experiments hoping that one day we would win Nobel prizes. In other words, science students were a boring bunch. It was then I tried to diversify myself in many a reas including attending soft skills programmes, participating in clubs and societies and even joined the Stu dent Representative Committee. By being active in campus activities, my communication has improved by leaps and bounds thanks to my friends and committees who fought alongside with me. What struck me even more was that being a knowledgeable person required the skill to express yourself clearly. One cannot share his acquired knowledge to the world if he cannot put his thoughts into words. What a waste! Moreover, prioritizing between my assignments, tests, examinations and campus events have really taught me invaluable lessons about effective time management. I would have worn off if I did not manage my time properly. Imagine all the tests and activities come haunting you even when you sleep!



It was never a smooth sail once you got involve into so many things. Problems do arise and the first thing that most of us do is to complain. They would keep on asking themselves, Why does this happen to me! Why is he or she better off than me? Instead of asking why, try to look into this, What can I do now since this has happen? I was the whining type initially but as times pass by, with the love and help from my religion, friends, family and motivational books; I have learned what it means to be a problem-solver. I seek to solve instead of creating more problems for myself and others. This is a trait that I encourage everyone to adapt as it is the most essential tool that one needs in order to survive in reality. Reality is never sweet. In fact, it is like a boot-camp for us to endure.

Learning to give and take is especially important in a team work. Engaging in a team is never a one man show. Being to submissive in a team is also a no-no. In other words, one has to be crystal clear in how to manage a team in order to get the ball rolling. Act according to situations. Be flexible and always aim for a win-win situation. Listen and understand your team mates and not making assumptions. These are what I have learnt after being in organizing events and activities. Reading all these might be easy for you to digest but try doing it. You might get yourself haywire in the first place but stop complaining! Practice makes perfect, no?


After all the bitter-sweet memories in UTAR, I have finally graduated. All my hard work has been finally paid off. Thank you UTAR for nurturing me! Come to think of it, I am officially unemployed now! Nonetheless, I never fail to seek for more knowledge and skills in the science field and not to forget, my personal growth. Stop learning and you will be extinct like the dinosaur. The world will never stop spinning because of you! Continue to ask and seek for new knowledge and you shall receive it. Full speed ahead! All these are my encouragement to all of you. They are applicable anytime and everywhere whether it is in your studies or your working life. Good luck and enjoy the life process. Make sure you leave no regrets!


At present, I am a research assistant in Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) and will be admitted as a masters student in the field of plant pathology in this coming September 2011 intake.  In this whole new level of education and environment as a postgraduate student, it is high time for me to grasp as much as possible and contribute my newly-acquired skills to the betterment of the society.

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