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JULY 2011

Journey After Graduation

Yep Wei Zhi

Bachelor of Computer Science (Hons)

(Class on August 2006)


I am the 3rd batch graduate of UTAR Computer Science course. I still remember it was five years ago when I last attended my convocation at Wisma YMCA, standing proudly as a UTAR student for the very last time. What did convocation mean to me then? It simply meant no more exams, no more holidays and it's time to search for a job.

I went for a lot of interviews before I was landed with the first job. That was how I picked up my interviewing skills. Anyhow, I still consider myself lucky for I managed to get a job in my hometown, Penang at DELL APCC1 and started my first job, 3 days after the convocation. If you have ever bought a Dell PC or laptop, you would notice that they come with a toll free number that user can call anytime when they encounter a problem with their DELL PC. I was the DELL Technical Support Specialist, clinging on the other side of the line to assist customers with their technical problems. That was quite a challenging job for a fresh graduate as it's not easy to guide a user through phone to open their PC case, remove the RAM or even to install a printer driver. I need to clearly visualize what the person saw or did on the other side of the line in order to guide them correctly. If you ask me why I chose this career, my answer would be because I strongly believe DELL is a company with a very organized system plan that could help in building my technical knowledge in PC, laptop and server.

 Yep Wei Zhi

 After working for a year and achieving The Best CE (customer experience) consistently for four quarters, I was promoted as the POD leader for a team. This promotion enabled me to learn more about management and reporting skills on top of other technical skills. Besides, I also took up a part time CCNA course after my working hour in weekdays to improve my skills in networking.

I worked in DELL for two and a half year before joining my current company, Mesiniaga as a Network Engineer. My main job scope involves handling network project and I enjoy the satisfaction I gain each time I accomplish a project. I could visualize that there is still a long way to go in this networking field and I hope to reach my target of getting the highest certification in Cisco - CCIE in future.


Last but not least, I would like to share a quotation from Jim Rohn with all of you, "You cannot change your destination overnight, but you can change your direction overnight". 

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