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You'll see the rainbow after the storm

Isaac Wong Mun Yew

Bachelor of Economics (Hons) Financial Economics

Graduated on May 2009


Just a month before my graduation in May 2009, I started seeking for the right job. The process was not easy especially during the global economic crisis that caused retrenchment in many companies. There were not many vacancies available for fresh graduates especially in the fields related to my studies back then.


As the economical crisis made my job hunting difficult, my father told me that I might have graduated at the wrong time. However, nothing made me to give up that i decided to venture into a financial consultancy business and finally landed a job in Great Vision Associates.

Practically, my profession is very challenging especially when dealing with finance and meeting people?s expectations. Somehow rather, it gave me more courage because this is the industry that I loved ever since taking up Financial Economics as my course of studies in UTAR.

Only then i realised there is a huge difference between theoretical knowledge and practical knowledge. The problems that we face in the real industry are far more challenging than what we studied in classroom. Fortunately, I have attended various soft skills training organized by UTAR during my studies and benefited a lot from it. The skills that I learned made me stay firm and strong in every challenge that came my way.

It is going to be my 3rd year in this profession now and it has transformed me to a better person with more endurance, courage and better perspectives in life. My superior used to say that ?You will see a rainbow after a storm?, which is true. If we are willing to work hard and surpass every challenge, we?ll be able to enjoy the benefits. After struggling for a while, I saw the values in my career which is so rewarding in many ways.

I find it so rewarding especially when my clients thank me for helping them in dealing with their banking and financial concerns. In fact, it is good to see when a win-win situation is created in the business. For all these, I have been recognized as one of the Top Performers in ING Mortgage during the early stage of my career. In the coming 5 years, i am looking forward to set my foot firmer in the financial industry as it is very significant to the Malaysia economy.

In addition to that, I have learned an important lesson from my career that there are always problems in life. Although everyone dislikes problem but in fact, this is the one that improves ourselves and make us to become stronger than the others. When problems arise, it is the point where we learn new lesson and an entrepreneur will perceive the problems very positively and will not step back.

Therefore, everybody must be able to see their goals clearly and be passionate in everything they do. Most importantly, one shall never give up and be persistent so that we can see consistency in our career development. With that I?m wishing good luck to all my fellow friends in UTAR and Alumni?s who are chasing after your dreams.


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