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10th Anniversary and Alumni Homecoming Dinner 2012

To commemorate the 10th Anniversary and Alumni Homecoming Dinner, UTAR held a fun and enjoyable dinner function on 20 October 2012 at Grand Kampar Hotel. It was graced by the attendance of UTAR Council Chairman YABhg Tun Dr Ling Liong Sik and our President YBhg Ir Prof Academian Dato Dr Chuah Hean Teik. The dinner kick-started soon and everyone present was entertained by the World Harmonica Champion, Ozalis de Maestro. Guests like the UTAR alumni were also seen catching up on old times.

The dinner started with Tun Ling's speech, followed by him singing an unplugged version of the sentimental song 'Que Sera Sera'. It might be a rare to see him singing, so we were all lucky to be able to do so. Then, it was the cake-cutting ceremony by five invited guests to commemorate the 10th Anniversary of UTAR since its inception in 2002. A decade is not too long a time, however we hope that with all the support from all walks of life, UTAR will continuously grow.

It was followed by various achievement award presentation like the UTAR Staff Long Service, Best Society (Course-based), Best Society (Non Course-based), Best Student Leader , Most Talented Student and Sportsperson of the Year. After that, there was an international costume parade where performers wore those colourful and ethnic costumes which gave everyone an insight into how each country's traditional costumes look like. Beside the international costumes, our very own Malaysian costumes were also being displayed gracefully by the models.

Dinner was served to the eager diners. While having the mouth-watering dishes, guests were entertained by other performances like the Choir Group which brought some easy listening music, the two Most Outstanding Waltz Dance Couples performed a heart-melting ballet when the hit single 'A Thousand Years' was played. The Chinese Orchestra Fusion produced some fresh musical medley which surprised the guests.


Then, it was followed by the South Korean exchange students, from Inje University, who performed the popular horse-riding dance song 'Oppa Gangnam Style'. Their energetic and vibrant dance moves gave some excitement and energy to the calm ambience. Last but not least, our very own alumnus, Loo Yise, sang a few lovely singles which made UTARians felt so proud. Before the night ended, the much awaited lucky draw which carried the grand prize of 32''LCD TV was given away to a very lucky winner. Prior to that, approximately 50 lucky draw prizes were also given away other lucky winners.  After eating the 10th Anniversary Cake as dessert, the contented and satiated diners went back, making this a memorable night to remember.














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