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FROM SENDAI 9.0 to Tea of Science (ToS)

FROM SENDAI 9.0 to Tea of Science (ToS)

How Chee Wun

Biomedical Science

March 2009


Daniel Teh Boon Loong
Biomedical Science
March 2009

Human life constantly faces overwhelming challenges for survival, be it from the wrath of Mother Nature or the infiltration of killer mutated pathogens After my experience during Japan's historic quake at Sendai, I realized that mankind?s best hope for survival is through scientific research. The trauma cannot be retold in a few words. However, I will leave a few pictures to give an idea.

How then can I contribute to scientific research? One way of course, is through my current research, but individual researchers are like a drop in the ocean. Sometimes I just wish I could get all the scientists in the world to sit down together to share our knowledge.

After things came back to normal, I decided to start something meaningful and useful. With that came the birth of Tea of Science (ToS). ToS is a free worldwide network of scientists & laboratories. So what is so special about ToS? Tea is part of most of our life. It is the second most consumed beverage after water. We hope to make science as next as such. 

If we can get all the scientists and laboratories at one place, then we will save a whole lot of time for information exchange. In ToS we believe, 'Scientific Research Changes Lives'. Lives can be saved by scientific research. One way to facilitate this is to provide a fast and highly interactive communication network. Here is where ToS comes into play. With infinite information exchange, we believe we can shorten the process of finding solutions to problems.

Creating this network is a huge challenge - getting the team, sketching the plan, setting up the website and engaging our contacts. Sometimes we feel like giving up. However, the challenge we face is a far cry from the psychological stress during the quake and its aftermath. Watching the nation on the road to recovery brings us constant encouragement.

We hope to get as many scientists and also students as possible to join this network. What could be better place to kick start this than my noble alma mater, UTAR? Here, I am honoured and privilege to extend our humble invitation to UTAR staff and students to join us in this network. (http://www.teaofscience.com).

Here are some of the many things that can be done at ToS:

1.      Share your research/laboratory to the world.

1.      Create your laboratory network page.

2.      Create your classroom network page for interacting with your students.

3.      Search for potential collaborator.

4.      Post or search for job offers.

5.      Attract prospective students.

6.      Start a discussion, search for protocol and many more at our forum.

7.      Share your laboratory products e.g., plasmids, transgenic animals, software, hardware, technology.

8.      Connect with other scientists, start a simple discussion at your profile page.

9.      Share upcoming conferences & symposiums.

10.  Introduce your society.

And there is much more to be discovered once you have signed up. ToS is open to everyone who has an interest in scientific research.  http://www.teaofscience.com

It is our sincere hope that you will not miss this offer to join our network for the betterment of science and research. We are working hard on improving our website everyday!

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