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Karen Kong's Message To UTAR

Karen Kong Cheng Tshe
Bachelor of Commerce (Hons) Accounting
May 2007


            I'm a Malaysian chinese singer and trying to bring my career into international stage. I've launched 4 albums since 2007 'Mulakan', 'Showtime', 'Showtime Vol.2' at Malaysia and 'I'm Karen' at Taiwan and now I am preparing my 5th album at Hong Kong and hoping to conquer the Hong Kong market by carrying with me, 'Malaysian Boleh ' spirit. Besides album, I've also participated in the Malaysian movie scene by dedicated my debut appearance as lead role of the movie 'Nasi Lemak 2.0' which has more than 7million box office in Malaysia.


            I always do my best academically and also participated in extra curriculum to make sure I enjoy and learn from the journey of studying at UTAR. The reason I chose UTAR because they are well known by providing a strong platform and excellent port folio in the business industry without the need going overseas or private college after graduate. The program that I enrolled in was Bachelor in Accounting which I still find it very useful even though I'm in total different field right now as things that I've learnt help me a lot in problem solving matters. I really appreciate what UTAR lecturers and staffs for their dedications of time for making who I am today. 


            I think the most unforgettable experience in UTAR is I made good friends with Uni mate and lecturers and we're still keep in contact. They are very supportive from the beginning when I was still 'dreaming' to be a singer. I was kinda lost confidence in singing(that means everything to me) when I first entered UTAR, but they encouraged me by 'submitting' my name to participate UTAR Talent Night 2005 which is where I first met my producer who brought me into the singing industry and rebuilt my self confidence again. UTAR even promoted me to join National University Patriotic singing competition where I won the competition and have a chance to sing in front of Former Prime Minister Dr. Mahathir and Abdullah Ahmad Badawi during UTAR inaugural Convocation.


            Things began to turned crazier when I have to juggle between studying and recording. But my study and assignment didn't even deteriorate while it's getting better because of my classmates and lecturers who helped me a lot to pick up some lessons that I've missed due to recording and auditioning. I'm so lucky to have known them and wanna thank them for always being there for me sharing all my memories and that's the best!! As what our senior told me that 'uni life' is still the best in one's life.


            As successful person always said 'principle in life is very important'. I guess what Uni taught me is not only from the book but values in life. Although I'm not considering myself as a successful person, but on the road, I'll meet many obstacles and problems, but somehow, I'll never give up because this is my principle in life which I learnt when facing my up and downs during University life. And now I've graduated and doing what I love doing as a singer.


            To all my fellow juniors, enjoy your life in Uni as much as possible by joining extra curriculum that you are passionate about, you'll learn extra from there. The only thing that u'll pay is your passion and it's also what u'll earned. Go ahead and have fun! (You'll know what I mean when u come to the next phase of your life after graduate) All the best!  






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