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My Story in UTAR

Tan Meei Yueh,

Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons), Batch of March 2011


My whole 3 years study at UTAR had been the most memorable memory in my student life. I still remember the moment on my very first day I step to UTAR Kampar in January 2008. My first thought was 'WOW~ nice scenery~ I'm going to study here for 3 years'. There is one attraction studying in UTAR Kampar which is most of the students are cycling to school which is environment friendly. This is when I get to learn how to cycle.


During my 3 years studies, lecturers and tutors really have given me guidance and knowledge in completing my degree. I?'ve enjoyed the most in completing my assignment task was doing my presentations and holding a mini campaign. It was a new and great experience.


Other than studies, I never forget to attend the soft skill course which improve and strengthen my skills. Courses offered such as NLP Power Selling, Get That Job and many more, had really thought and helped me a lot in my working life.


Without realisation, 3 years as undergraduate student life had ended, and had my convocation ceremony in March 2011. I have already stepped to working world for more than one year. If ever people asked me on where I graduate, I would gladly say, 'I'm from UTAR' because 'UTAR is My Choice'.




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