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Exam is over; let's go Thailand!


Heng Wei Xiang


Batch January 2012


'Oh yeah! The course is finally over,' seemed to echo in everyone's mind as they left the examination hall for the last time in their few years of study at Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) in early May 2012.   

A group of 14 graduating students from the Faculty of Business and Finance, who called themselves 'TG13's Besties', already had in their minds what to do for relaxation after their gruesome years of lectures, tutorials, assignments, tests, exams, internship and so on.  They would be going on a 'graduating trip' to gather sweet memories together once more before they bid each other farewell and moved on with their lives separately.  For that memorable trip, their chosen destinations were the mystical tropical resort island of Krabi and the bustling shopping heaven of Hatyat in the amazing Kingdom of Thailand.

Some of their memories were captured in photos that follow.

All on board!

On the way to the hotel

Boys will be boys!


Ronald McDonald: ?Sawadikap.?

Let?s taste shit!

Hey! Don?t stand but squat and have your coconut ice cream.

Let?s have photo together before we say goodbye.


Another photo?

Another photo?

Another photo?

And yet another photo?

It had been an enjoyable and memorable trip for all the TG13's Besties. They thanked their alma mater UTAR for bring them together.  For them, it will be friendship forever.

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