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APRIL 2013

Alumni Liaison Reps Met

Liaison representatives of the pioneer & recent batches of alumni met at UTAR Petaling Jaya Campus on 2 March 2013 from 2.00pm to 5.00pm.

Present to brief the alumni liaison representatives was Sum Kwai Seong, Head of Department of Alumni Relations and Placement.  She updated the representatives on the latest developments in UTAR, in particular, the homecoming event to be held in conjunction with the next August 2013 Convocation.

Among the activities to be held during the homecoming event would include a sport carnival, photography competition and 'Amazing Race', where participants go on a 'treasure hunt' in their cars travelling from Petaling Jaya to Kampar.


She urged the alumni to attend the homecoming dinner on 24 August 2013, which would also be attended by graduating students of August 2013 convocation to celebrate their graduation.

Sum also urged the alumni to contribute to their alma mater either with money or in kind.  She stressed that a criterion used by certain university rankings only took alumni who had donated into account.  The donation from alumni could therefore raise UTAR's ranking, which in turn would benefit the alumni.

The party enjoyed the afternoon tea at the meeting.   They mingled around and lingered until 6.00pm.

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