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MAY 2013

Fish: I shall return!

By Lim Pui Yee aka Fish Lim

Bachelor of Communication (Hons) Public Relations, March 2011

Model Manager of a model agency in Singapore

This month, April 2013 marks exactly two years of my graduation from UTAR.  Time really flies.  Seeing photos of graduates of UTAR convocation in March on Facebook, reminds me of my own convocation.  It seemed to have just happened yesterday.   Here I am in Singapore, feeling how glad I am to have a work pass and I can sustain my career in this foreign land.

Although I can handle everything for my employer now, nothing could have been less tough when I first started.   Being a Malaysian working in Singapore is nothing new but sometimes it was hard to move ahead because I was still new in this strange land. I had to adjust to the different culture, different environment and different employer's expectations.  It had been stressful as one could imagine, but it was not so pressurising that I could not handle.  It has been easy for me because I enjoy what I am doing and see a bright future in it.  I am glad to say, I have prepared myself well during my study at UTAR.

In the three years at UTAR, I learned as much as I could and picked up all industry practices and knowledge which I am applying in my job now in Singapore as a model manager in a model agency.  With nothing but Mass Communication knowledge as foundation, I learned management skills on the job.  Soft skills are essential but it isn't a problem because I acquire them as I work alone.  Managing hands-on is new to me and I am more than happy to get myself involved.

Besides involving in an international market in Singapore, my job has also taught me the dos and don'ts in the modelling industry.  Sensational as one may sense, I have come across hanky-panky incidents, but nothing illegal.  To be realistic, in my line of work, it is common that we venture into new territories of experience.  I am glad that I have leant from my university study enough basic crisis management skills to handle these sensitive situations.

Personal development is another great thing I have undergone.  Having learnt to be independent, able to take good care of myself and emotionally strong has made my family proud of me.  A woman abroad not with the family is tough.  Nothing is worse than the feeling of loneliness when you fall sick. But it is a good process for a person especially a woman to learn to be stronger through experience.

I look forward to returning to Malaysia to contribute my skills in a good and fruitful way.  Being a Malaysian is great.  It is my goal to play a role in contributing positively to the country's economy.  I hope I can achieve this little goal and wish to have a great life learning whatever I can to be a useful person.


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