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MAY 2013

Yin Yeng: Missing Kampar

By Mu Yin Yeng

Bachelor of Communication (Hons) Public Relations

March 2011


It has been two years plus since I left UTAR and my second home, Kampar.  Although my old home is just slightly more than a-half-of-an-hour drive from Kampar, I seldom visit Kampar because it has given me so many good memories that I afraid I am going to miss it again.

I still remember how I felt when I first moved to Kampar for my study.  Initially, the feelings were not good at all.  There were times I felt terribly homesick as I was still used to being close with my family.  And I went home every weekend.  Later, I got used to my new life and went home less frequent.  There I was having the freedom to do what I wanted - hanging out with friends till late night, surfing online through the night till morning, barbeque outside the house, etc.

All good things came to an end when I 'officially' entered the working world aka 'societal university'.  I hardly had a chance to do the fun things I did in Kampar.  Initially, I could not even accept the fact that I had completed tertiary studies and had to be separated with all my friends.  At times, I found it very hard to move on with my new working life because I missed everything in Kampar. 

As time went by, I started to focus on my career instead of holding on to the past that would not change anything in my present life.  My first job was a disaster because I felt that I was not given any opportunity to learn and improve myself and thus I left the company after two months.  I am glad that I have found my present job, where my superiors and colleagues are kind.  My boss often says that I am still young and have a lot of time and opportunities to learn and become someone with good values in the future.  I take his words as motivation for me to climb up the corporate ladder.  I will push ahead hard, and not relying on destiny, to progress in my career.

My daily life may be different from those of my university friends.  I seldom have time to meet up with them after work or on weekends.  Only once in a blue moon that I can meet and catch up with them.  Mainly because I am too tied up with work and feel guilty if I don't finish my work on time.  But I have no regrets for choosing this path because I believe that hard work will pay off one day and God will only help those who help themselves. 


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