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MAY 2013

Set goal, work hard and achieve


By Anna Ong Wen Huey

Bachelor of Arts and Social Science (Hons) Psychology

First-Class Honours

Batch of March 2013


hroughout my three-year study in UTAR, I usually had read a new chapter before the lectures.   In addition, I did the revision right after my class either in the cafeteria or hostel.  Apart from that, I started the revision one month before the examination.  In order to get a clearer picture and further information on certain topics, I read some journals on the topics.  I planned my time properly, so that I could still organise or participate in activities in UTAR.

I studied a diploma in Tunku Abdul Rahman College before enrolling in UTAR for my Bachelor degree.  Although it took more years for me to start a career compared to my course-mates in TARC, I believed that it was important to pursue further studies and UTAR offered me such a great opportunity to do so.  I took up the opportunity and worked hard for it and now I am proud of what I have achieved.  

I chose Psychology because I always like to help people.  My ambition is to become a volunteer social worker.  Right after the internship in my third year, I noticed that most neglected children needed special care including special attention in providing education to them.  Therefore, I am really looking forward to involving myself in providing this special education which I will use what I have learnt in Psychology to help the underprivileged.

I would say that my campus life was both colourful and challenging.  In the beginning, as a student from another institution, I had to joined different batches for classes.  Thus, I hardly knew anyone same batch with me.  I had to adapt to new campus life on my own and always be alert of any new happenings in the campus.  It took some time before I got to know some seniors and peers in my batch.  My joining the Chinese Language Society and serving as a helper in activities organised by the society and other societies help very much in the process. Throughout the three years of my study, there were several obstacles in my way but I managed to overcome them and for that I must thank God.

My advice to my juniors is that you set your goal in life and, believe me, no matter how difficult it may be, if you work hard enough, one day you will achieve it.


[Anna : Girl in the middle]


[ Anna : Third from right]

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