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JUNE 2013

Pui Wui: UTAR moments that I cherish


By Chin Pui Wui

Bachelor of Mass Communication (Hons) Broadcasting, October 2012

I recall that on the day that I registered at UTAR PJ campus, I left immediate after registering because none of my friends were registering for the same course; in fact, none of them were registering in the same campus.

On the first day of my class, I felt so out-of-place as I was not used to the new environment and new classmates, but I felt important and excited as I had started my university life.   It was great that I chose the Broadcasting course because most of my classmates were proactive and friendly, so I got to know more and more friends day by day.  Honestly, I got to love them all even without getting close to them.  Of course, I was no expert in what I studied, but with these helpful course-mates, I enjoyed every moment of doing assignment or production.  I have learnt so much from them.

I would really like to express my appreciation to my lecturers and tutors whom I admire and have learnt much from.  They are not only knowledgeable in the subjects, but also were very responsible and helpful.  It was because of their guidance that I had continued studying the course after my second semester, when I found myself not suitable for it.  And after that I was enjoying myself in UTAR for the rest of the three years.

I was satisfied with everything in UTAR as it had brightened my university life. I had joined various societies such as Music Club, Mass Communication Club, CSS Club and Film Club.  While many more capable course-mates organised events, I served in some of the event committees.  I had also taken part in various competitions and events.

I am thankful that I was given the opportunity to perform in the musical interlude in several UTAR convocations including my own convocation which is most meaningful to me.  It was more meaningful because it was the first UTAR convocation to be held in Dewan Tun Dr Ling Liong Sik in celebration of the UTAR 10th anniversary.

The experiences and memories in UTAR have been very meaningful to me and I will cherish them forever.


Pui Wui is front, right

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