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JUNE 2013

Yujin: Shouldn't count our blessings, but ....

By Chock Yujin

(Right, with his most-admired mentor Dr Wong)


Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Chinese Studies, March 2011

Corporate Communication Officer, UTAR

People say we shouldn't count our blessings.  We should move on.  However, sometimes I couldn't help feeling how my life would have been had I been enrolled in another institution of high learning instead of UTAR.  Speaking from the bottom of my heart, nowadays I still feel lucky that I had spent four fruitful years - from my Foundation days in 2007 and later the three-year Degree life - at the not-for-profit yet progressive university.

After a year of holistic pre-university education (precisely Foundation in Arts leading to Chinese Studies) at the ever humble PJ campus, I soon found myself to be among the pioneer batch of degree students at the then newly constructed Perak campus in the following year. Little did I know studying at UTAR and at such a rustic small town had the potential to unlock doors to so many things - from discovering a new me to meeting one of the most important persons in my life who has played a vital role in educating me academically and intellectually.  

Leaving behind the bustling and happening Petaling Jaya for the lifeless tin-mining town was really difficult.  However, sometimes we just need to take a leap of faith to discover what good things are in store for us.  Moving to Kampar for my studies was the beginning of a new discovery of myself as little did I know that this town would eventually unveil itself as a place where I had wanted all this while - a laidback town where traffic congestion is almost unheard of, with picturesque sceneries of undulating green hills and unsullied lakes, beautiful sunset and people, delicious food, the list goes on.  In fact, it dawned on me that I am not a city person after all.   

Self-discovery aside, studying at UTAR allowed me to be educated by a group of committed and passionate lecturers.  One of these amazing lecturers who had a great impact on me is Dr Wong Wun Bin, my thesis supervisor back then.  No words suffice to express my gratitude to him for his patience, sternness and compassion in teaching and guiding me.  Little did I realise that under his unswerving guidance, I just kept improving myself in so many ways.    

I come from an upper-middle class family, thus, education fees were not that much of an issue to me and my family.  However, I am indeed indebted to UTAR for their reasonable fees.  No one could describe how relieved I was to learn that quality education in UTAR doesn't come with hefty price tag.  Hence, I was spared from the very guilt of letting my parents forking out a large sum for my education as they were already paying for my sister's exorbitant medical education fees in Canada.

Upon completing my degree at UTAR, I furthered my Master at the University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney.  I had never shy from sharing with my course-mates, friends and even lecturers there about my alma mater being a not-for-profit university, its noble belief in providing quality and affordable education for ALL and, of course, the beauty of the small town which captured my heart. Here's a toast to UTAR. Thank you.

(Yujin is currently serving at UTAR Perak as a corporate communication officer in the Division of Corporate Communication and Institutional Research.  He has witnessed the rapid growth of UTAR and sees the hidden potential in the University.)

Yujin (second from right) with his UTAR classmates


Yujin (back row, centre) with his classmates in Australia


Yujin (right) with his colleagues at UTAR Perak Campus




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