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Steven: UTAR is simply unforgettable

By Steven Lim Chueen Chiet

Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) Mechanical Engineering, August 2013

Although five years have passed, to me it seems to have happened just yesterday, as I recollect the memories of my first day in UTAR.  I felt alone when I registered for the UTAR foundation programme in PJ campus because none of my friends was registering for it.  In the blink of an eye, one year had passed and once again I had to see new faces in the degree programme in a new environment in Setapak.

As times go by in UTAR, I learned a lot from observing the usual things that students do - taking exams, submitting lab reports and assignments.  I began to see the differences among my course-mates in the campus.  Some were extremely talented and some were not.  I also found out that exchanging what we learned in different subjects helped a lot since it saved us a great of time as searching for answers could be like finding a needle in a haystack.

I would like to express my gratitude to my lecturers, tutors and friends who had crossed my path in both joyful and difficult times during my four years in UTAR.  It was their guidance and advice during hard times that had motivated me to go on.

I am thankful to UTAR for all the wonderful memories.  UTAR is simply unforgettable.

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