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JUNE 2014

I'll always cherish those memories ....





Kong Bee Ying

Bachelor of Science (Hons) Chemistry

August 2013 Convocation

My graduation was held in August 2013 at UTAR Grand Hall in Kampar, Perak. My course mates and I were busy taking photos and I forgot to take photos with my best friends from the university. I truly regret this missed opportunity.

We noticed and acknowledged our course mates on the first day of our first year first trimester together. There we 50 of us, the newly enrolled Chemistry students, that were grouped together for the first time in a large lecture hall at Block D of UTAR Perak Campus.

We had great 'chemistry' as friends in and out of the university. We created countless joyous moments together especially during our final year. I will never forget the extraordinary birthday celebrations, the unthinkable activities and the numerous unforgettable excursions we enjoyed in different parts of fascinating Malaysia.

Our journey as course mates may have ended here but I hope that we make an effort to maintain our friendship. I truly appreciate your presence in my life and hopefully, memories of UTAR will bind our hearts together - for eternity.


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