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I'm Everything I Am Because You Loved Me

Gan Kwang Chun

Master of Science 

August 2014 Convocation  


The day - 15 August 2014 - marks the end of my 8-year, 7-month journey as a UTAR student. The duration spanned over two Olympic Games, three World and two Euro Cup tournaments, three UTAR campuses and a minimum of eight Convocations. My university life started with the Foundation in Science at Petaling Jaya Campus, followed by the Bachelor of Science (Hons) Chemistry at Setapak Campus and ended with the Master of Science in UTAR Perak Campus. Spending eight years in this institution has shaped my life significantly.

A comparison between the old and new graduation message

I have always been fascinated by the changes in colour and chemical structure of molecules since secondary school. Hence, I decided to pursue my degree in Chemistry, followed by my Master's in Organic Chemistry in the field of organic synthesis. To accomplish synthesis reaction requires plenty of studies, trails and errors and a stroke of luck. Shortcomings are inevitable as the programme is relatively new. Uncertainties and changes loom in our field; any sudden breakdown with the instruments will impede the progress of our experiments. Although we were required to share the facilities and resources, this limitation has enhanced my problem-solving, creativity and analytical skills which prove to be useful since.


           My family and friends are my greatest source of strength

Apart from acquiring knowledge and practical training in Chemistry, I have improved on my social networking skills through interaction with people I met while studying. These people have inspired me to help those who are in a difficult situation. As I progressed to become a senior, I strived to be a good mentor, role model and inspiration for my juniors. It was the education elements and human factors combined that rendered my success in UTAR the ever sweeter.

Present at my Convocation ceremony were my family, friends and supervisors

My juniors were also present to share my Convocation joy

Congratulatory messages flooded my mobile phone and social media days before the Convocation ceremony. On the day itself, I was greeted with handshakes and compliments from well-wishers. I took countless photos with my family members and friends for remembrance. One of my supervisors also gave me a souvenir. I was overwhelmed with sadness at the thought of leaving Kampar and the people who have been kind to me.


Pictures that were taken by my sister (top) and Sin Chew press (below) during Convocation


A gift from one of my supervisors with a handwritten message

Finally, I would like dedicate my achievement to my family, lecturers, supervisors, course mates and friends. University life is full of challenges and there were times I thought of giving up on my studies due to intense pressure. Without their support and encouragement, I would not have made it past my lowest moments. As the song by Celine Dion, 'Because You Loved Me', was sung in the Convocation hall, I could not help but wonder how true this line is: I'm everything I am because you loved me.



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