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My Graduation - A Reflection


                                                                      Lam Chee Ho

                                        Bachelor of Social Science (Hons) Psychology

                                                            Batch of August 2013           

If I were to say my path of learning has finally come to an end, it would be an understatement. To me, it's just like one of the greatest chapters of my life was finally completed and it's now time to look upon the next chapter.

 Today is the day of my graduation; I should be filled with excitement and great joy! As I looked back on all these years which I had gone through and how much I had strived to make this day comes true; meeting so many dear friends, building bonds and sharing countless of wonderful memories together, I feel greatly reluctant to say goodbye to all my friends, my tutors, my university, my hostel, and Kampar.  

I remembered the first day I came to UTAR with my Uncle and Aunt, I wanted to fulfill my belated father's wish which was to see his son wearing the graduation gown, looking handsome and smart. I was really not into studying and was not sure what course to enroll. Finally, I made a decision to take up Psychology, hoping to find some relief from the pain that I had been grieving for a long time. For the 3 years of studying, it was really challenging to me. I had to listen to many stories, experienced issues that really sensitive to my heart and learned subjects that veritably evoked many hurtful memories that I had encountered. While I was struggling in my studies, there were only two things in my mind; first, was my beloved parents, I wanted to fulfill my dad's wish and really wanted to make my mum feel proud of me. Second, I wished to save myself from depression, to mend my shattered soul, I wanted to be happy again.

Although I have these two strong wills in my mind, to stay in the same pace with other fellow students was very hard for me. I had complained, shed tears and even on the brink of giving up. Fortunately, life didn't take every cent away from me. For what I knew, I would not be able to be here in this graduation ceremony if I never had all these beautiful peoples around me. Today it's not my individual celebration but in fact it's a celebration for me and all these people who had loved and supported me all this while.  

I want to give my special thanks to them: 

To my mom, the pillar of my heart who loves me unconditionally like all mothers would! 

To my family, who has given me faith and made me feel there's a home to return to. 

To my best friends, Shawn and Jaclyn, my two companions who understand me more than I do myself. An adventure to strive on or a shoulder to cry on, they always have my back. 

To my 'foster' family in the hostel, who has protected me from all harms and shared all my feelings during my study.

 To my lecturers and tutors, who have guided me to success as I am today! 

To my classmates and friends, who have come by my life and left colorful memories in my heart forever. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for the simple reasons that I've met you all. 

I have never the slightest regret studying in UTAR. Everything that had happened in these 3 years, no matter how hard it was, how much I had to endure, the moment I walked on stage, seeing the smiles and happiness from my mother, my friends and family, I felt it is all worth it!


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