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First Involvement in Alumni's Event





On 2 November 2014, I had attended the 'Alumni-Get-Together with UTAR President' which was organized by the Department of Alumni Relations and Placement. Since graduated from UTAR in August 2014 which was not too long ago, this was the first alumni event that I went to and I found it quite informative.

The few segments of the Gathering that gave strong impressions to me were the speech given by the UTAR President, Ir. Prof. Academician Dato' Dr. Chuah Hean Teik and the various talks by fellow UTAR alumni. Prof. Chuah shared the latest and current development of UTAR and the upcoming Teaching Hospital in Perak Campus which would definitely benefit the surrounding community greatly in future.

As for the alumnus' talks, there was one alumni's speech that caught my attention. He was from finance background, opened a café and in the meantime also worked as a barista. He told us that we could still pursue our dream career even though we studied a different degree. From his sharing, I felt that youngsters nowadays especially 'Gen-Y' and 'Gen-Z' should have the passion in what they wished to study, so that they will choose the right field. In time, they would not have to change job so frequently after graduation. Furthermore, I also felt that more intensive career talks should be given to students in secondary schools in order to have a better guidance on the discipline which would suit them the most for their future tertiary studies. By doing so, students would not waste time, money and energy on their study path.

Overall, it was a nice get-together event for UTAR alumni to know each other better and also to catch up with the latest developments of their alma mater.

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