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Wonderful Experience!

Foo Wai Wai


Batch of March 2014

This is an unforgettable experience with Department of Alumni Relations & Placement (DARP) of UTAR?s trip to Northern Perak.

Not only I gained a lot of fun with fellow alumni but also learned the process of some products during the trip.  We visited a lot of meaningful place such as Taiping Museum, Gopeng Museum, Matang Museum, charcoal and salted-egg factory.

Besides, we also visited the migratory bird sanctuary by boat at Kuala Gula. We used binocular to watch those rare bird species. We also got a chance to catch some crabs for our dinner. While on the boat, we were taught the technique to scoop clam and were able to fetch quite an amount for our dinner. After the 'harvest', we were able to an enjoyable and delicious seafood dinner.

I seemed like wanted to go there again because I missed all the seafood there. Meanwhile, I am waiting DARP to organize another activity and definitely will ask my other friends to come along also.

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