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MARCH 2015

Go beyond

Alice Lim Bee Chee

Bachelor of Business Administration (HONS)

Batch of August 2007

As a student affairs practitioner, I am passionate in strengthening my role in tertiary education and go beyond the limit by providing positive student experiences that enhance student learning. Thus, I took the initiative to move forward by participating in international conference and local events which will leverage my experiences and networking. 

Members from participating countries meet and promote global collaboration among student affairs professionals

Does networking, matter for leaders?  I say, yes.  Connection and shared values that create a sense of belonging, so people want to work together. This is what I learnt in the Asian Management Conference & Exhibition.

With some of the delegates in Asian Management Conference & Exhibition

Another event which I attended, Public Service Transformation, a new conversation organized by the Commonwealth Association for Public Administration & Management (CAPAM). During the conference,

I explored on shaping the future together, towards a better future and building global resilience, with the insightful dialogue, theoretical and practical knowledge exchanged and networking at international level.


My key learning in life is to keep increasing my value as much as I could. I believe in driving ahead and I believe in the end I will succeed.



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