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JUNE 2015

My Precious Moments in UTAR

Lam Weng Yee (Charles)


Batch of August 2014

It is my pleasure to write to UTAR Alumni. First of all, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my parents for all the love, care, support, shelter, inspiration and guidance they have provided me since I was born. Besides that, I would like to thank UTAR for offering me such a great study environment and facilities. Also, special thanks to all my beloved lecturers who have taught, supervised and guided me during my university life. Last but not least, I would like to thank all my friends for all the encouragement, support and helping hand.


Apart from the acknowledgement, I would like to take this golden opportunity to share part of the precious moments that I have come across throughout my university time. During that period, I always seek for opportunities to meet new people/friends, participate in co-curricular activities, attend seminars or talks, improve my soft skills and seek for ways to pick up on my weaknesses. Therefore, my schedules were always fully-packed with various events. Although it was quite exhausting but I treasure and enjoy the processes which brought me lots of satisfactions, experiences and memories.


With the burning desire that I had, I started to join society/club. Then, I began to know peoples from different courses. My active involvement began when I was being elected as the Auditor of Biological Science Society. I started to organize events together with experienced seniors and began to know more particulars regarding event planning from Department of Student Affairs, UTAR. In the subsequent year (my year 2 in UTAR), I was being elected as the Vice Chairman of Biological Science Society. Of course, with possessing the role of greater responsibility and position, I have to keep an eye on everything regarding the society together with the chairperson. We, including other Executive committee members, did face difficulties and challenges when our plans regarding the events were not on track. That was the time when all of us started to learn the ways of dealing with different problems and thus progress on with ease. 


Nevertheless, the greatest responsibility that I bore during my university time was being the Course Representative of my batch (Biotechnology May 2011 Intake). I served as the middle person liaising lecturers and my fellow course mates. My important tasks were to convey any latest messages from the Faculty General Office and lecturers to my course mates, rise up any issues faced by my course mates, represent my course mates to make arrangements or decision on academic stuffs and so on. Many of my friends have been asking me how I deal with a variety of stuffs while I still need to study, attend lecture classes, complete reports or assignments on time and so on. Well, the keys are pre-planning and time management.


All in all, I feel very grateful for having such an opportunity which has made my university life a memorable one. Of course, I don't deny the fact that study is important as the completion of university study or degree will serve as the entry ticket to your career life or further study. To juniors, I wish you all the best in your Bachelor's degree undertaking. Do not get too stressed up in the process, remember to arrange time to relax yourself too and plan your schedule well. To my fellow friends, I wish that you have a bright future remarked with tons of accomplishments. Lastly, I would like to share some of the photos that represent part of my memories in varsity life. Thank you for taking time in reading my sharing.

My family portrait

Our Biotechnology Farewell and Lecturer Appreciation Night (13 March 2014

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