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MAY 2015

Positive Always, Unlimited Motivation!

William Hoi Wei Yuan

Master of Philosophy (Social Science) Graduate

Batch of  March Convocation 2015

Throughout the years in Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Perak Campus, Kampar, from Foundation until Master Degree, I can tell myself, I have no regret in the entire journey. Thank you to UTAR given me 7 fantastic years and successfully transformed me from a shy and now a confident person!


I still remember when I first came in to start off my tertiary education in Kampar, I was totally lost of directions and not able to get motivation on studies. From time to time, I finally realized that my family and peers actually injecting me unlimited support and positive thoughs behind the scene. That time onwards, I told myself, I need to pay more hard work on my studies and planning a series of action list which I am going to complete before I graduate as a Master?s Degree holder. Now, I did it!

I concluded my campus life as colorful and energetic. In the campus, it is easy to have peers who are positive all the time. This provides me a golden opportunity to organize activities which benefit the students and University, at the same time, I also able to extend my network, brush up my skills on event management and interpersonal communication. Here, I will like to send my warmest gratitude to my parents and UTAR, which provides me a platform to improve myself.

Choosing Psychology and Philosophy to be my major in degree, it is because I hope to spread positive energy to the people around. Psychological issues becoming more important in daily life, but nowadays people choose to neglect it and giving out a lot of excuses on this particular issue. In the future, I am looking forward the awareness towards psychological health can be raise among the community and together we build a positive living environment. Life in the university is not easy, but with the commitments and promises, it is not an impossible mission.

My advice to all juniors in UTAR, university life is one of the most fantastic life in one person journey, plan the time wisely, plan your goals and strive for it!

William (Center) would like to send the gratitude to his parents for the unlimited support during the 7 years in UTAR.

Other than teaching, William (Brown color Shirt) also spending his time by organizing talks and sharing his experience to the students who lost their life directions.

Beside working, William also will spend his time and invest on visiting other culture, enriching the experience and also building up positive life.

Organizing events with students and peers is the most enjoyable moment for William (Grey Color). The motive of doing events able to let himself gaining more motivation.

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