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UTAR: The Path of Growing Up





UTAR, is a very meaningful university to me. As I remembered, when I first stepped into it as a foundation student (PJ campus), it was totally like an 'alien place' for me. I felt lonely, strange and uncomfortable because none of my friends registered the same course as me. But why I was still choosing UTAR? It was a pretty funny reason that I just wanted to follow my sister's path.

                Very soon, I met a lot of friends in my course and became best friends later. During my foundation course, I learned a lot of knowledge from my lecturers and at the same time, I found out that teamwork is very essential to solve many problems especially when we had to submit assignments, having exams and presentations in limited timeframe. Without the help of group mates, we were unable to do the stuff alone. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all my group mates and friends. Time flies, my foundation 'honeymoon' ended after one year. The year was so sweet and memorable and I still remembered the time well that I always gossiped with them while doing lab experiments.

                After one year, I moved from PJ campus to Setapak campus for pursuing degree in Actuarial Science. It was a course which I loved and hated very much at the same time. For me, it was so not easy to finish my study. Of course, I failed some subjects as I was not smart enough and sometimes I doubted that "Was I choosing the right course?". Luckily, my family members and friends always gave me support and pulled me up from deep pit. Besides, I wish to highlight that UTAR is doing well due to providing Academic Advisory system for every student. It was not a shame to meet academic advisor and it really helped me a lots.

                In UTAR, I learned some lessons which can pushed me toward a higher stage  ---  time management skill and balance in life. Throughout the years, I felt that I became more mature and good in time management as I had to organise many events in extracurricular activities while handling my academic studies at the same time.   

                Finally, I graduated my course in August 2014 and it enabled me to work in bank industries immediately then. And now, I am very sure that I did not regret for my choice and I am proud to be an Utarian. "UTAR, thanks".

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