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Dhaarshini Balachandran

Master of Business Administration

(Corporate Management)

 August 2015


Bachelor of Commerce (Hons) Accounting

 August 2013


First of all, I would like to thank the Department of Alumni Relations and Placement (DARP) for giving me this golden opportunity to express my gratitude and share my memories in UTAR with my fellow seniors and juniors. Thank you very much DARP !


Initially, UTAR was not my choice, it was purely my parent's choice. However, as the time passes I realized that sending me to UTAR to further my studies is the best decision my parents have ever made for me. Yes, I really mean it ! My parents are my pillar of strength. They are the reason why I'm here today. I would like to take this opportunity to thank my parents for all their support and sacrifices. Dear Amma and Appa, thank you so much for supporting me financially and morally throughout my 6 years journey in UTAR. I love you !

My family portrait

I enrolled into UTAR in year 2008 to do my Foundation program. Upon successfully completing it in year 2009, I continued my Bachelor's Degree in Accounting at Faculty of Business and Finance, UTAR. In 2013, I obtained my Bachelor of Commerce (Hons) Accounting from UTAR and made the decision to further my studies at the postgraduate level before entering into the working world. I decided to enrol into UTAR's newly introduced MBA program called Master of Business Administration (Corporate Management). My classmates and I were the first batch students for MBA (Corporate Management).

Completion of Bachelor of Commerce (Hons) Accounting

August 2013 Convocation

MBA (CM) first batch students

During my days in UTAR, I was actively involved in many extracurricular activities such as Peer Mentoring Program, Soft Skills Programs, Talks, Conferences and Workshops. Along with that, I was also actively involved in many events organized by Accounting Society and MathsFun Society. Apart from that, I was also actively involved in research activities during my study at UTAR. I managed to publish a conference paper entitled 'A Conceptual Model on the Adoption of NFC-enabled Mobile Payment among Consumers in Malaysia' and a journal article entitled 'Regression Modelling of Predicting NFC Mobile Payment Adoption in Malaysia' during my MBA program.

Some of my certificates

My first event for Accounting Society

My first publication

UTAR has taught me many things. It made me a better person. It gave me the opportunity to mingle with people from various background. Throughout my journey in UTAR, I have never failed to work hard. I strongly believe that nothing comes our way easily without hard work and sacrifices. Hard work is what made me to obtain my Masters Degree at this early age.

Completion of Master of Business Administration (Corporate Management)

August 2015 Convocation

I truly miss my life at UTAR and I really wish to go back to UTAR to contribute something to the University that have given me so much of success and memories to cherish. Here, I also would like to express my gratitude to all my lecturers and tutors from Centre of Foundation Studies and Faculty of Business and Finance for all the guidance, help, advice and supervision. Thank you so much. I truly appreciate all your efforts !

 My memories at UTAR

To all my juniors, enjoy your university life as much as you can. Set your goals and work harder to achieve it. Remember your parent's sacrifices and work hard to make them proud. All the best to all of you ! Last but not least, I also would like to thank each and every person who made my study life in UTAR a memorable one. Thanks a lot everyone !

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